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A question for you cat experts...

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Our kitten Hartley has a sponge fetish....


She licks them, chews them, shreds them, carries them about in her mouth, and will guard her sponges with a really ferocious streak that only appears when her sponges are threatened.


When we moved, we found a whole sponge graveyard under our bed - about 10 of my kitchen sponges, all chewed and shredded. I've had to stop using a sponge in the bath for the children, because they never last for more than an evening!


Has anyone else come across such bizarre feline behaviour?

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I used to have a Birman many years ago that ate silk! I had a silk dressing gown hung up on the wardrobe door and he ate the bottom of it and as far up the ties as he could reach. He wasnt even taken away from his Mum too early as he was 14 weeks old when we got him!! Now I have my Abby Simba who eats paper - I have had to send hte kids back to school before without homework as the cat had eaten it before the kids could do it :oops::oops: I dont think the teachers believed me!! :lol: There is no accounting for what they will eat!

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Don't mention socks to me :roll:


Jazz keeps collecting Carl's out of his wellies - he takes them off her - and stuffs them behind cushions :roll::evil:


Weeeeeeeeeeeee, heeeeeeeeee, heeeeeeeeee :lol::lol::wink:


Does he also stuff things behind books or am I thinking of somebody else? :?

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One of my old cats used to love hairbands - used to steal them and play with them. I remember the cat we had when i was younger used to love all things woollen - he used to steal from all the neighbours houses and had a stash of stolen woollen objects (many from babies) in a hole in the garden :roll:


He also once stole a large chicken that wass de-frosting in the sink and tried to drag it out backwards through the catflap - he was caught in the act as the chicken was too big to fit :lol:

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I used to have a cat that let himself in wherever he pleaseed and the woman in the downstairs flat used to bring him up at night and post him through the cat flap regularly which was fine until she went away and every morning I had to go down and break him out of her flat as the flap only worked one way and I didn't want to wait for the pet sitter (she was deaf and couldn't hear him miawing to get out) to let him out :lol:

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Shona..... only you coud have a cat like this..... :lol::lol:

Where do you get them from???? :lol::lol::lol:


Y'know Annie, I was beginning to thin k that myself! It's like she's vying with farty Tigger for 'Mad Hatter of the Year'. I've just got home, and there is a chewed sponge on the porch roof, where she's obviously scarpered to with her treasure at some point while I was out. :roll::roll::roll:


Thankgoodness at least I'm sane.....

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Yep - I've got a sponge fetishist here too :roll::roll:


Hebe just loves to run (in a slightly limpy madcat fashion) round the house with the kitchen sponge attached to one of her claws. She then shreds the top scoury bit and leaves it in tiny litlle pieces until she finds her next sponge :roll:


The posher the better - her favourite is a Vileda Wave sponge :wink:


We hide them now :wink:

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Yep - I've got a sponge fetishist here too :roll::roll:


Hebe just loves to run (in a slightly limpy madcat fashion) round the house with the kitchen sponge attached to one of her claws. She then shreds the top scoury bit and leaves it in tiny litlle pieces until she finds her next sponge :roll:


The posher the better - her favourite is a Vileda Wave sponge :wink:


We hide them now :wink:


Clearly a cat with taste :lol::wink:

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Our kitten Hartley has a sponge fetish....


She licks them, chews them, shreds them, carries them about in her mouth, and will guard her sponges with a really ferocious streak that only appears when her sponges are threatened.


When we moved, we found a whole sponge graveyard under our bed - about 10 of my kitchen sponges, all chewed and shredded. I've had to stop using a sponge in the bath for the children, because they never last for more than an evening!


Has anyone else come across such bizarre feline behaviour?


Yep, same here. our cat Henry destroys my childrens bath sponges :? you can hear him jump in the bath (while empty) snatch a sponge then proceeds to trot downstairs with it in his mouth ~ he then takes it anywhere he fancies and bites it, licks it and rips it to shreds :shock: i've lost count how many sponges he's been through! He's never showed any interest in the kitchen sponge though.

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The kitchen sponge is a real delicacy around here, apparantly - Hartley was spotted running off this morning with one of those ones with the green scourer on one side, sponge on the other, after nicking it out of the kitchen cupboard! I'm going to have to 'cat-proof' my cupboard under the sink! :roll:

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No sponge stealers here - we just have a cat that loves sitting on laptops - open or closed :roll: - think he likes the heat.


Problem is, he's off on one of his jaunts at the moment, we moved in July last year - a couple of miles down the road, and he keeps going back :roll: Haven't got the heart to keep him in all the time as he meows madly. We let him out during the day and lock him after dinner - the only time he goes back is when he escapes after dinner, normally when we've forgotten to lock the flap...


He's currently on his sixth trip back.. we presume... :?

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No sponge stealers here - we just have a cat that loves sitting on laptops - open or closed :roll: - think he likes the heat.


Problem is, he's off on one of his jaunts at the moment, we moved in July last year - a couple of miles down the road, and he keeps going back :roll: Haven't got the heart to keep him in all the time as he meows madly. We let him out during the day and lock him after dinner - the only time he goes back is when he escapes after dinner, normally when we've forgotten to lock the flap...


He's currently on his sixth trip back.. we presume... :?[/quote


we used to have a cat that kept going back to where we had moved from, also only a mile or two away, his name was Basil as in Basil Fawlty as he had a faulty leg where he'd been run over. He used to go back to steal the neigbours goldfish from their pond. When we still lived there it became such a regular thing I was always taking them back in bowls with no tails, or half a fin. Once I saw one on the floor, thought "oh I'll get that one later" as it was obviously dead, about 3/4 of an hour later threw it down the toilet (how callous!) and it started swimming! :oops: Bit emarrassing taking that one back!

Never tried him with a sponge tho, :shock: altho he is partial to squirrels, rats, magpies (brought in still alive then dumped in the kitchen where they flap around pooing everywhere, all sorts of small feathered articles and has a particular liking for mouse heads - I know this as I have found many a headless mouse in the kitchen - try explaining that to a 4 year old! :o


Mrs Bertie

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