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Mel (& Paul)


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I need a money box for the pennies we are collecting from our egg sales (may take a while to become millionaires..........)

I want something eggy / chickeny themed.

We already have a post box for Pauls christmas tips :D and a doggy one for the doggle's pocket money (well its for £2 coins really and we save up for a nice meal out and take a doggy bag back for the woggles........ :oops: )

Any ideas?

No doubt Louise will come to my rescue as I believe she is an egg-spert of henorabillia :D

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Thanks Gina = very tempting (although we have only made £4.20 so far - so may have to sell more eggs to afford the money box :wink: The only good thing of selling our eggs is that we may get more chickens - whoo hoo!!! (the bad thing is they are so popular that we are having to ration them otherwise we dont have any for ourselves!!

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Paul was talking about the chooks and selling eggs and he reckons they will soon be paying for themselves (ignoring the initial outlay of course :wink: ) He wants us to buy the food out of the egg money - unfortunately we need more pellets within the next couple of days and we dont have enough. Poor chooks. They'll just have to go hungry - unless the doggles lend them their pocket money..........oh no, just remembered that we raided their box to go to the pub.......... :wink::D

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