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Guest Ginette

Treacle Tart

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As promised, treacle tart.


Make a sweet pastry base. No need to precook.


Mix 200g Golden Syrup with 50g breadcrumbs and some grated lemon zest.


Spoon into pastry base and level.


Add strips of pastry across the tart to make a lattice top.


Bake in oven (Gas mark 5 or 6) for 25 minutes.

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:oops: I have to use the golden syrup really quickly, otherwise I'll just eat it! :oops: Fortunately I don't really like treacle tart or puddings.


meringues and cream though - delicious. :D I'm definitely a desserts person rather than a puddings person!

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:( I absolutely adore treacle tart. Mum used to make it for us when I was a child but LSH doesn't like it so I never have any now :( .


I'll save you a piece Kate. Want a nice cup of tea with it?

Sounds like you might need it after playing with your new cube all day. :lol:

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