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Wife Swap

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me and couperman have just sat and watched Wife Swap :shock: for the first (and probably the last ever) time


who are these people???????


Ok, everyones home is different, there is someone for everyone cos we are all unique, blah, blah, blah!


but why????

why sign up for public humiliation and then complain about it?

why agree to go into someone elses house and live exactly as they do - then complain and refuse?


so, they story went about this one woman who moves into someones house and then her husband decides he doesn't like his swap cos she said his house was dirty, so to retaliate, the first woman then accuses her swaps friend of harrasment (confused yet??) :?


it was all very strange!

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I say that all the time CW - but then they wouldn't have a programme if they didn't set complete opposites as a swap. There was a holiday programme which runs on similar lines - swapping holidays.


...but, like you, I can't understand why the people put themselves forward either :shock: No-one forces them to take part :?

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I have to admit - I do love watching wife swap - they have such total extremes on the programme, and being a nosey old wifey, I love to see how other people live their lives, and how different people are more open to change than others.


i missed last nights, but last week they had a fantastic chavvy woman on, complete with her best Burberry, who, during an argument with her swap family, came across exactly like Catherine Taits character 'Lauren' - me and chookiehubbie were in stitches, as the poor hubbie was trying to interupt her in full argry flow!

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me and couperman have just sat and watched Wife Swap :shock: for the first (and probably the last ever) time


who are these people???????



I may have said this before... me and the missus were invited to go on wifeswap a couple of years ago! We asked why - and they said - because they thought we were interesting people!! Seeing most of the people who are on it - we were not sure that was a compliment!!


(we said no - much to the relief of our kids!)





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i missed last nights, but last week they had a fantastic chavvy woman on, complete with her best Burberry, who, during an argument with her swap family, came across exactly like Catherine Taits character 'Lauren' - me and chookiehubbie were in stitches, as the poor hubbie was trying to interupt her in full argry flow!


She was great,wasn't she?

Funny about first impressions,as I always seem to find myself siding with one wife or the other at the beginning.

This time I sided with the other wife who I thought seemed much more my cup of tea, but the Burberry woman ended up being so sweet & so funny that I changed over & liked her better instead :lol:


Phil,you should do it if they ask again.

I am sure you would be the more normal lot & you poor wife would end up moving in with a bunch of chicken & Croc haters 8):lol::lol:

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Did anyone see the chavvy man who decided his roast dinner wasn't up to scratch, made fun of her over the fact it was in foil (it's not a present is it?), threw it all out and ordered pizza. :twisted:

I can't stand people like that :oops: I had to change the channel. How rude is that :evil:


I also hate the way they refuse to go along with the programme they have volunteered to do :roll: I'm sometimes convinced one partner has has volunteered and the other is convinced he/she won't have to do any of it.

I hate the requests that are irreversible like being told to throw out clothes and dressing differently, it costs money to buy more clothes again :!:


I watched an american one where the family only ate raw food meat and all, and had to eat every few hours so got woken up in the middle of the night by the wife with food. :?

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Both of those were bonkers,weren't they :shock::shock::shock:


I hate to watch the really nasty,rude people but always do as it make me realise how lucky I am to be reasonably normal :wink:


I reckon they can't really throw out the clothes - or the TV co must reimburse them in some way :?


Doesn't it make you wonder who you would be swapped with,as they always seem to pick a real opposite,or people who rub the others up the wrong way........


I am sure if it were me I would go to a family of deeply religious,exercise mad,Burberry wearing,teetotall football fanatics :lol:

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me and couperman have just sat and watched Wife Swap :shock: for the first (and probably the last ever) time


who are these people???????



I may have said this before... me and the missus were invited to go on wifeswap a couple of years ago! We asked why - and they said - because they thought we were interesting people!! Seeing most of the people who are on it - we were not sure that was a compliment!!


(we said no - much to the relief of our kids!)






A guy my OH works with was asked to go on Faking It...but he refused as he was convinced they were going to make a fool of him and stereotype him due to his profession. A shame as it would have been funny - tho probably not for him! They didn't ask OH as apparently he didn't fit the profile they were looking for! :shock:

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I saw it last night - very strange people,all of them :shock:


I started off prefering the green couple.....after all,they had chickens!

But their preachyness really put me off, & I think the other lady had a fair point about the 4X4 :?

They were just so smug & ernest.


The other couple were just :shock::shock::shock:

He was so chauvanistic,getting his wife to do everything for him,& she was a real doormat,or appeared to be.

And she let her dog snog her,which totally turns my stomach :vom::vom:

They were just so old fashioned,with the attitude that the womans place is in the home (when she isn't working for her Husbands business,that is)


Interesting swap.

I felt very sorry for the friend who was accused of harrasment,although I know that sort of flirty behaviour is abhorrent to a lot of people.

It was obviously done in retaliation,which is very wrong.

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