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Chicks now 2 weeks old!

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All your little chicks are terribly photogenic Fee.


If i had a houseful of chicks as pretty as you, I'd never get anything done because I'd be sitting gazing at them all day!

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Thank you :D . They're getting a bit cheeky and were jumping out of their brooder box so put them in a dog crate today as my daughter is looking after them tomorrow when we go to London, and she would have a fit if one 'escaped' :roll: .

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I kept 3 of my first hatch, who are now almost as big as the big girls and are out with them during the day. I sold/gave away 9. I sold 5 of the 2nd hatch last Saturday and a girl has phoned me tonight looking for some. I want to keep a Wyandotte and Orp out of that lot. I'll keep a couple of the Frizzles cos they're bantams and one of each breed of the last hatch. I think that'll give me 14/15 by the end of the summer :D .

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