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Peck Blocks

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Mine all seem to like the block, which is a good job as it's a huge 1.5kg! Hopefully it'll last them a while. Tried them with lettuce today and they were not impressed, they'd much rather have the random leaves that manage to make their way into the run. They were chasing each other round today trying to snatch a bit from whoever the lucky girl was that had managed to grab it, very funny :lol:

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When I made some Peck-a-Blocks for my daughter's chickens, they were a great success. Each one lasted several days.


Now that we've got our own chickens, I made some more. The greediest chicken demolished the entire thing in a couple of hours, leaving only the fragments for the others. That's too much treat in her diet, so I won't be making them too frequently!

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Melbourne 12, could you please share how you made your peck block? I would like to make some for my three girls.


I make my own peck blocks for my girls in the winter - I keep it mostly pellets to stop them from getting too fat :D

I make a whole bunch and freeze them for long term storage. I make them in tupperware that makes them fit inside the suet holders.


1.5 cups water

4 pkgs unflavored gelatin (0.25oz each)

8 cups pellets/nuts/birdseed/corn


Boil 1.5 cups water.

Empty the 4 packages of gelatin into 8 tablespoons of cold water in a large bowl.

Let the gelatin sit for 1 minute.

Add the boiling water and stir for 2 to 3 minutes or until the gelatin has dissolved.

Stir 8 cups of birdseed into the gelatin, mixing thoroughly.

Let the mixture set for a few minutes, then stir again. Repeat this process a few times allowing the seed to absorb the liquid.

Spoon the mixture into containers and refrigerate for at least 3 hours.


Apologies for the american dry cup measurements - they drive me completely crazy but a necessary evil of living in the states...


1 U.S. "legal" cup

= 240 millilitres

= 16 international tablespoons

= 12 Australian tablespoons

≈ 8.12 U.S. customary fluid ounces

≈ 8.45 imperial fluid ounces

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Melbourne 12, could you please share how you made your peck block? I would like to make some for my three girls.


We used heavy gauge garden wire for the hanger. An old wire coat-hanger would also do. Start by coiling it into a spiral, starting outside and working in, then twist the wire at right angles from the base to form the central spine. Finally cut the wire and turn the top over to make a hook.


The recipe was fairly rough and ready, and there are clearly any number of variations on the theme.


Put half a dozen tablespoons of plain flour into a mixer. You can add an egg if you wish, but it's not necessary. Turn the mixer on and add water a little at a time until you get a consistency stiffer than a cake mix, but slightly stickier than pastry. We added a scoop of wild bird seed, a handful of crushed peanuts, a good handful of raisins, and a small tin of sweetcorn. The major added ingredient was the seed. Don't add too many dry ingredients, or it won't hold together.


We rolled it up in oiled foil, around the wire hanger, to make a sausage, and baked it at 120C in a fan oven, After an hour, we removed the foil, and left it in the low oven for another hour to dry out further.


You can also use empty tin cans with both ends removed as moulds, to get a more beautiful cylindrical shape, but the slightly lumpy sausage shape is obviously effective! Mind the sharp edges if you use the tin can mould.


There are any number of variations. You can use mixed corn instead of birdseed, you can add mealworms if you're feeling generous.


This is much cheaper than a commercial peck a block, and very easy to make.

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