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Two weeks ago, Rue (our size zero chicken) produced a huge (for her) egg:




As we were going camping (glorious Gower), we took it with us, to enjoy it at its best (ie cooked in bacon fat in the open air - sorry veggies):




On return from camping trip, looked in Eglu and couldn't believe my eyes. :shock: I thought the girls had invited a goose for a sleepover. This was Lavender's mega egg (112 grams):




Just had to go camping again (Delightful Doone Valley in Devon):




No more camping trips planned til next month - have a rest girls (and don't forget your pelvic floor exercises) :shock:

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Wow they are amazing! :shock:

When I saw the pics I thought for a minute you'd taken the chooks camping! :roll:

We go on Monday - I was starting to get ideas. But we are going to stay on an organic farm so someone elses eggs will have to do for while! :D

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was I imagining it, or were those wine glasses alongside your rather delicious looking enormous breakfast eggs? :shock: Now there's a girl after my own heart!!


Also, we've just bought ourselves a tent and we like Dorset/ Hampshire / South West type areas as they're easily accessible to us, so any recomendations of places to stay would be fab. BTW I don't really do campsites that have loads of stuff, like bars, or entertainment etc :evil: , just a field hopefully with a loo and a shower....(and a nearby pub!) :wink::wink:


Mrs B

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Wow - I love the idea of them inviting a goose for a sleepover! :lol:


These are known as EWEs in my house - Eye Watering Eggs!


One of mine lays a 100g egg about every ten days. Great fun, my friends' children love to receive them - but I worry about what this must be doing to the hens. Would it be better to feed them less pellets or less protein or something - or is this just a natural feature for hybrid hens?

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We were in Gower over Whitsun week...wasn't the weather...erm.....Breezy !

We have a touring caravan and belong to a club and go away quite a lot, when we said we were having chickens one of the "Committee" asked what we were doing with the chickens while we were away, and we said that we would be bringing them along each weekend for fresh eggs :lol: . He took us VERY seriously and said that we couldn't do that, to which I replied "why not dogs are allowed onleads, and our club rules do not state No chickens allowed". He disappeared in a rather flustered manner, and we bent over double in hysterics. Just imagine the next committee meeting drawing up rules to ban chickens !!!!!

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Mrs B,


yes they were wine glasses - from the night before, I hasten to add!


Can really recommend Doone Valley Campsite:




Fields next to stream, loo and shower, shop that doubles as camping shop/offlicence and (wait for it) tea-shop! (it's Devon - need to keep cream tea quota up) :D Also riding stables on site.


Look what they had in the tea shop garden.....




Only downside was midges, mosquitos and the ticks one of my girls picked up. It's camping, you expect wildlife!

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