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How long will it be before my Campbell's settle in and lay?

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Hi everyone

We are proud new mummy & daddy to 3 khaki Campbell ducks 1 drake Campbell and 2 Aylesbury ducks.

There all about 6 months old I'm told of which I believe they are ready to lay.

They aren't laying at the moment but I'm assuming it is because they have been moved and a a bit unsettled.

They do seem quite timid and run away when we go towards them. Normal?


They all seem healthy and are in a 18ft x12ft pen which has some grass but mainly pea gravel with 2 child's sand pits as pools. It also has a 8ft x6ft shed incorporated into it for there home/bed.

I have 3 small plastic dog baskets with straw in that I am hoping they will lay in. The floor in the shed is shredded cardboard ontop of concrete slabs.


Are we doing everything right?

Should they be laying or is it too soon? We've had them for about 4days.


We can put some pictures on here if someone can tell me how to do it?



Dave and Laura

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Congratulations on your set up - sounds fab!!!


I'm not a duck keeper, so, my advice is not duck specific. However, I do keep chickens and I have a fab duck pond at Uni which I've been observing for the past two years or so.


Timid when you approach, "normal"? You've had them 4 days; I would say that is "natural" - they need to associate you with food and security - 4 days is still infancy :)


Laying? Well, they've just been moved, are re-adjusting to their new environment and awaiting Spring - I would say, normal :)


Are you doing everything right? Sounds to me like you have a fab set-up; 4 days is still very early, so, give them a week or two, maybe even 3, to adjust to their new surroundings; let them become familiar to your routines/smell/presence/noises/environment before you begin to doubt/worry/re-think your purchases. Nest box preference can be as fickle as a woman in labour! Pop a fake egg in your nest boxes to give the girls an idea/encouragement of that being the place to lay, but don't discount the fact they may choose somewhere quite different.


Ultimately, in four weeks time, all these questions will be answered by your ducks :wink: Let nature do it's thing - you have given them a fabulous start :clap:

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Something else I'm struggling with is getting them to eat and drink. I'm giving them fancy feed duck pellets but they haven't really had anything. I've also put lettuce down. They seem to drink out of the dirty paddling pools and not their clean water trough.

Any suggestions or will they just find their way round?

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I think ducks are naturally more nervous than chickens. I remember when I got my pair of Aylesburys 2 years ago they were nervous, couldn't get near them and just had to herd them round the garden to get them back in at night.

Now Gerald still doesn't like being picked up but he'll come up to see whats going on and if we've got any food.


The set up sounds good! You can upload photos to ImageShack.us and copy the links to here :D


They'll find their way around feeders and drinkers, its still early days - Gerald would still rather go + drink from the dirty pond rather than the super glug! :roll:

They should start laying in a few weeks, as the days get longer and further into Spring. Ducks can tend to lay wherever they like but if you pop the eggs in the nests for a couple days they'll get the idea :)

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Hi there, Hope you are getting on fine with your ducks.

My Campbells have just started laying. Got them last September! First egg was on Friday last and I almost fell over when I saw it...had been waiting so long.

Yes they can be nervous but through time will run up for food. They have been known to come in the house to play with the new bedding before I am finished...I am obviously too slow! My ducks put themselves to bed now. Your ducks seem to have everything they could possibly want or need. Enjoy them, I was a nervous wreck at first but now would not be without my girls. Oh and yes they love mucky water and mud and digging lettuce out of the ground but they will not eat it from a bowl!

Regards, Marie (duck)

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