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Guest The Hodkinsons


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Amber and Ginger continue to bring us great joy, and Amber started laying last Thursday. We've had a beautiful, perfectly formed, if small, egg every day since. Ginger continues to get bigger and bigger, but no eggs yet. We've 'done up' their living arrangements, wood chippings now in an (h)enclosure. Have christened their abode 'Henley Grange'. They are both happy, healthy and thriving.

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That's great news, post some pictures cos I'm dead nosey! We're still waiting for eggs, had one three hours after we got them but I guess that one was already in the pipeline, and none since. I must be one of the few people in he world with 7 chickens and NO EGGS!! :wink::lol:


Mrs Bertie

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I mis-read your post Mrs Bertie in my haste this evening and thought you said, "put some pictures up" meaning you were advising them to put some pictures up in the Eglu for the hens.... :lol::lol::lol: ...then I realised what a silly suggestion it was and that I'd read it too quickly and went back to the begining :roll::lol:


Good news about the lovely eggs though, and the new eglu surroundings sounds lovely. Yes, pictures would be nice.. :wink:


I'm going back in my box now....



Where's buffie when you need her...... :D

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Still nothing from Ginger. I have informed her that I will put her on a special diet if she doesn't get on with it. It consists of Sage, and Onion. Method.... Stuff till full, then roast ! This diet will help her lose weight, as she will be running round the garden, just out of my clutches ! I have enough trouble already with a dog that does nothing to earn its keep !

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Ginger laid her first egg yesterday, and it was a whopper ! Much larger than any of Amber's have been. Nothing from her today, but given the size of her first, I don't blame her. Two eggs gifted to the happy 'grand-parents', one Granny sized, and one Grumpy sized. My parents were thrilled to get such a lovely treat for their tea. They are happy healthy little souls (the hens, not my parents) and forage around the garden happily, though their absolute favourite treat remains a head of raw cauliflower. Its like feeding Piranha when you give them a cauli'.

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