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Is the cube to blame?

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We are the proud owner of a green cube which we've had for nearly 2 months now. :D However since the hens have moved from the eglu into the cube we get at least one or two cracked eggs every day. I think its the design of the cube as they all seem to lay in the same corner and then have to walk over (and sometimes on)the eggs to get out of the hole into the main area of the cube. :(

Has anyone else noticed the same problem or is it only me who has silly hens? :?

confused Deb

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Hmmm that does sound a little unusual :?


My 7 girls lay in the cube and ive never had a broken egg.


Are your girls shifting the straw about so the eggs are on the base of the nesting floor and then easier to crack? :?


Perhaps more bedding might be the trick

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I don't know. I'm loving my cube. I thought my girls had stopped laying then two days after getting the cube one layed an egg!

If noone else has this problem do you think that it might just be your hens. As you know they all have daft habits.

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Thanks for your advice. My eggs are cracked on top so I don't think its because of the flooring. The eggs are still usable and the shell doesn't seem thin. So I must assume it just my silly hens as one else has had the same problem. Two hens prefer to lay under the conifer hedge and those eggs are fine :):)


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It might be cracked at the top , but still caused by the floor...something to do with geometry .....


I'm not having that problem with my cube, isn't it fascinating how they put all the eggs together, including the pot ones, and mine are usually in the corner.


PS How did you manage to get a cuse in your singature...I've been trying to find out but no one seens to know?

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It might be cracked at the top , but still caused by the floor...something to do with geometry .....


I'm not having that problem with my cube, isn't it fascinating how they put all the eggs together, including the pot ones, and mine are usually in the corner.


PS How did you manage to get a cuse in your singature...I've been trying to find out but no one seens to know?

PM one of the moderators & they will be sure to help :D

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