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will she...............

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Hi Emma.


Presumably Broody has no alternative sleeping place tonight, so she might go back.


I have no experience of broody behaviour I'm afraid, but I've not heard of a broody hen being 'cured' quite so quickly and easily. She's probably disgruntled at being moved from the nest she chose.

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Some broodies take offence at being moved. A friend of mine has Silkies (some of the best broodies) but if she moves them even a few feet, they throw a wobbler and refuse to sit. Hopefully your's will remember she wants babies and will be sitting tight in the morning. If not and she's changed her mind, there's not a lot you can do about it.


When I want a broody, I move my little broody ark into the chicken's garden and leave a few eggs in the nestbox. Normally after a week or so, one of them has got the message and started brooding the eggs, so with her sitting in the right place, I swap the eggs for the ones I want her to hatch. This might be worth trying if she isn't broody now but you want her to be soon.

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Has she gone to bed on her eggs now?


(Did you get my email Emma?)


Edit: We crossed posts!


????? :?:


If you look at the time of Ginettes message and yours, they are practically the same.


Ginette typed a question, and at the same time, coincidentally, you were answering that very question.


You beat her to posting it by seconds, so the question came after the answer. :lol:

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Hi Emma, My broody hen Peppepot has been on her eggs 17 days now. We tried to take roosting bars out last night to get ready for the births and to change her nesting material as we had straw and were told it could go mouldy so we did this plus dusted Pepperpot for mites. She went loopy! and made a dreadful noise. we had to put bars back in for now. I really panicked and wondered if she would go back on or not but after about 20 minutes she did (thank goodness) and all is well again (for now).

Hope your girl is back on her eggs.


Miranda :)

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