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Nicola H

Not sure what to do....

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I wonder if anybody is able to help me out a little...........Please.


My dilemma is that last week Babs died of old age and now Ginger looks very sad and is not eating I think she is mourning Babs. Bunty bless her is broody again for the third time already this year so she hasn't noticed that Babs is no more but is not much company for Ginger.


So I have decided to add to my small flock I would only want 2 more hens and while Bunty is broody I thought I could put day old chicks under her, I rang Garden poultry and Lisa said there arn't any Hybrids that can be sexed at day old I really don't want any more broody pure breeds. Lisa has offered me 4 hatching eggs from her Rhode Island reds which are pure breed but not as broody, with the promise of taking back any unwanted cockerals or 2 point of lay birds.............Now I really don't know what to do.


My Hubby is no help at all.............. :roll:


Things I am pondering over, would it be easier to integrate chicks to Ginger obviously once they were old enough, or would I still have the pecking order issue. Would it be better to just bite the bullet and put 2 point of lay Hybrids in with bunty and Ginger and let them sort it out. I did this with poor Bunty and she was bullied to death......


So if anybody has experience of introducing chicks to a small flock your advise would be gratefully recieved..........

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Hi Nicola - I'd be tempted to go and get some hybrids POL. That way they are old enough to fight back, should they get bullied plus you could always fit bumper bits. Chicks are lovely , but you would probably have to wait until they'd grown quite a bit before introducing them to Ginger!


You won't have so long to wait for eggs either!


Good luck



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RIR are a lovely breed - so very beautiful, especially on those rare days when the sun shines on their feathers! Mine has never been broody either and is a reasonably good layer (not in winter though).


If you have two eglus, then I'd go the hatching route - you would need to keep them separate until they are old enough to stand up for themselves. If you have one eglu, buy POL. What about buying a couple of pure breeds rather than hybrids - just a thought?

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Nicola, sorry to hear about Babs. It must be hard to decide what to do next. My Marmite, (pepperpot) has been broody now for nearly 3 weeks, so it isnt restricted to pure breeds!! :roll: And my legbar hasnt been broody yet at all. I think it is down to the individual bird. They have some lovely hybrids at GardenPoultry, I got two from there at easter and they settled in fine with only a bit of squabbling over the first few days. I know what you mean about bullying, though - when we introduced 1 to 2 ( same breeds as you) we had similar problems, but as the flock expands it seemed a bit easier. I would love Marmite to have chicks but like you, just have the one eglu in a large run ( see you shouldnt have sold your red one!) and I have read elsewhere that the little chicks would need to be kept separate. I would go for another couple of birds, and not bother about broodiness as it may never happen - just go and have a look and see what you like! Hope this helps.................

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Thanks everybody for your help..........Jools I do have a seperate wooden broody coop that I made myself so I can keep the mum and chicks seperate until they are old enough to free range with Ginger. I have always wanted to hatch some chicks but have never been able to because I can't keep the cockerels so Lisa at Garden Poultry offering to take the boys back got me thinking, could I really let Bunty hatch some eggs........I think she would make a very good mum she is a pure Breed Cream Legbar, and is always broody.


I have done a lot of reading and research into hatching eggs but have no practical experience so all your help is very much appreciated.


I am going to go over to Garden Poultry on Thursday and have another chat with Lisa but the Rhode Island reds sound like a lovely breed, good layers and not too broody, Lisa is putting 4 eggs aside for me and I will have to make my mind up by then...........

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Thanks jools I may need your help.......... :)


I am going to move Bunty out of the Eglu later today and get her settled in the broody coop and hope she sits tight I have left her sitting on a couple of pot eggs in the Eglu at the moment. If she stays in the broody coop then i will set the 4 eggs that Lisa has saved me, under her and keep my fingers crossed. I have read in a couple of books that you need to make the nest with a turf, grass side up so that this provides moisture do you think this is necessary or should I just use straw......?


See I told you a question already........... :lol::lol:

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I've heard of that too and it's what my dad said I should do, but mine was sitting very comfy in her aubiose nest, so I left her alone. If you are starting from scratch, then I think it's a good idea to follow the best advice, so dig up that bit of turf and give it a go - don't forget to cover it with some nesting material though. The thinking behind it is that the moisture in the earth keeps the eggs at the right humidity.


I've got a very broody Light Sussex who is proving difficult to stop and you're getting me broody AGAIN!!!

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I haven't really got the room to do both, I only have the mark 2 Eglu.................I am hoping that the new chicks will integrate with Ginger more easily than 2 new POL birds. But you have me thinking now maybe one POL and 2 chicks........... :)


I have moved Bunty to a wooden broody coop and put a nest in with a turf and some straw, she has settled down on the pot eggs for the night so i am sure she will stay broody.

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