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Lemon Curd - whoever...

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I like the "bung it all in the pan and stir, stir, stir" method much better than using a double boiler to make lemon curd. It's never failed me yet! You'll have to try the different variations now! Strawberry curd, gooseberry curd, lime curd, orange curd......



...got to go now, I've dribbled into the keyboard again :oops: !

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Here you are Clare :wink: !


It's Nigella's recipe and it works a treat every time.


4 lemons

4 eggs

4 egg yolks

200g butter

300g caster sugar


1. Zest and juice the lemons.

2 Beat eggs, yolks and sugar together in a saucepan until sugar has dissolved (note this recipe doesn't use a double boiler and it works fine).

3. Add butter, lemon juice and zest and heat gently until thickened, stirring all the time - if the mixture curdles, plunge the pan immediately into a sink full of icy cold water and beat like mad. It should come back without any problems.

4. Place the curd into sterilized jars, seal and leave to cool. Keep refrigerated.

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I have just added Lemons to my shopping list :D


I was wondering what o do with the glut of eggs I have :?


As I have been unwell nearlly all week I have eaten little of anything so I hae about 20 or them kicking around the kitchen :shock:


Lets hope for a wet weeekend so i have no excuse :lol:

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