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Don't worry Gina. 1st babies don't show as early as the next few - your muscles are tauter! After a few pregnancies they are so slack they go into pregnant mode straight away - or at least mine did. ("Ooops, word censored!"ody's told them I'm no longer pregnant either :!: ) In the next 4-5 weeks you should feel your baby moving and then you'll have constant assurance that everything is all right.

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First baby you shouldn't start showing until around 16-18 weeks, or even later. The uterus only hits the top of the pubic bone at 12 weeks, and initially the baby is developing & forming vital bits rather than growing particularly big. As someone said the waist disappears first, then it's all downhill (figure-wise) from there :roll: Also the point about stronger tummy muscles first time round is very true- you definitely show earlier with subsequent babies.

First baby you generally don't feel movements until around 20 weeks; it's more like 18 weeks for subsequent babies, so don't worry too much if you can't feel anything for a while yet :D

Good luck, sounds like everything is progressing just fine :D

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Probably, you can get maternity most things. In the early-ish stages briefs are often quite nice because they finish under the bump and don't have to stretch too far. Towards the end Granny style big knickers are often best in terms of comfort, but that's only my opinion because I resented paying out huge amounts for special maternity anything. Some maternity stuff is essential though (maternity tights are a great investment in the later stages if you're on your feet a lot because of the support they give to bump and legs), but a lot of things can be adapted. I have to confess that I tended to wear hubby's shirts rather than buy maternity blouses, except for a few that I needed for occasions when I needed to look smart :roll:

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I carried on with the thongs at first, but they ended so far down that they were nearly fallling off - succumbed to maternity pants - what a relief! By that stage you don't care what you look like so long as it is comfortable :roll: . I worked up until 2 weeks before I had Rosie, so I had to look smart every day. At the end, I think I only had two outfits that fitted!

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just a little update.....


On the Friday before Christmas, I had a bit of an upset as I was spotting at 19 weeks pregnant. Spent the day in hospital and was told to rest and take it easy. We did still go away over christmas to a beautiful apartment in Cromer/Norfolk and spent a week relaxing and taking in some fresh sea air.


Anyway - I have just got back from the hospital after my 2nd scan and all is well with the baby at 22 weeks. I'm getting a nice big fat tummy now (and I'm enjoying not being on a diet) and feel like I can now enjoy being pregnant. We asked to know the sex, but baby was being shy and wouldn't show us :roll:


We have also bought our first baby item today - a pram :D Hurray!! :lol:

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Hi Gina :D ,


Glad to hear everythings ok with you and the baby. That is so typical when you want to know the sex the baby won't let you see. When I was pregnant with my daughter I didn't want to know, but she certainly wasn't shy and proudly displayed she was a girl :roll: . Hope you are feeling ok,


Love from Rebecca and the girls.x

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Gina, I'm so glad that everything's going well :D

I didn't want to know what sex my babies were, but Seb was doing the usual male thing of "if you've got it flaunt it" on his scan :roll: Even hubby could recognise the very obvious male anatomy . We didn't find out about Imy until she was born, and she was the most wonderful suprise :D

Obviously your bean's a shy one and keeping him or herself hidden until it's time to make that grand entrance into the world :wink:

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We asked to know the sex, but baby was being shy and wouldn't show us :roll:


Can I recommend Chookiehubbies nana's method of sexing unborn babies? It works every time!


Nana Haig recommends taking a pendant in your right hand, place your left hand in front of you, palm down, flat. You then rub the chain 4 times, up and down the side of your thumb facing you, then dangle it over your hand. If it swings from side to side, it's a boy, if it circles, it's a girl. If it's your 4th (like me), then you have to do it 4 times, as it goes through the children you already have. I've got to say, I was VERY dubious about it to start with, but 3 kids down, it's never failed, and has meant I always had an appropriate shade of sleepsuit for after the first bath!


Have I done it yet, you may ask? You bet ya!



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Shona....that's exactly what our nest door neighbours have prescribed! Now the decison has been made for us, I'm kind of happy not to know and to have a nice suprise at the end. Will give it a go though :wink:


Thanks for your all messages, and for past ones too. Nice to have such a lovely bunch as my friends xx

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