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Sarah 2

Garlic powder

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Can't find the thread that I'm sure I've read about where to get Garlic powder from. I know OMLET do it but I want to get some by the weekend. My garden's a bit smelly :oops:


Can you use any garlic powder? :?


Is it available at SCATS, if not where? :D

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We got some garlic granules from the local country bumpkin general horsey/farmy shop 20 miles away. Its meant for horses an it really does pong! I could smell it before I broke the seal!


I wouldn't use garlic salt as its full of salt!


I don't see why you couldn't just use fresh garlic and chop it up finely if your stuck, I don't know whether they would eat it though!



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I used to put fesh cloves of garlic in their water, but Belle took a real liking to it, and would gobble it up as soon as I opened the Eglu door in the morn ing - she would go straight for it, bypassing the pellets, for her daily 'fix'!


We use garlic powder now - bought it from Pets At Home.

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I would check out your local horse care store. They will almost certainly have garlic powder. I use one to two teaspoons in the ladies pellets in the morning - and add some water to really make it stick... :?


I have been using it for a week but the jury is still out in that I am not convinced it neutralises all the smell.... :vom:

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If you want to eliminate the pong of poo, use Bokashi Bran. It works in about 2 days.


If the ground is still a bit sour smelling, sprinkle some garden lime around, and if you've time, dig it over a bit. The girls will come to your assistance and will gobble up any worms eagerly.

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I think the chicken stuff is going to take over the house. :oops:

And your point is ..? :wink:

It's when you find yourself considering a separate shed for chickeny stuff that you know it's gone too far.


I don't think bokashi goes off.

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