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Edge Wife

Thinking Ahead... Bonfire Night!

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I'm trying to plan ahead for Bonfire Night. What do the veteran chook-keepers do? Obviously we will lock ours in the Eglu, but I wondered if it is worth then moving the Eglu into the Garage for added protection? I don't want my babies to be scared.


Also, if we have really cold weather should we think about moving them indoors, or should I start knitting booties? I want my babies to be neither scared nor cold! We have thought about putting a hot water bottle in the Eglu with them at night, or are we just being seriously daft now? I know they are hardy little things but I don't see why they should have to put up with the cold / noise if they don't have to.


Thanks for any tips!


Edge Wife xxx

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We dont do anything different bonfire night or winter. They've never been bothered by fireworks and dont seem bothered by the cold - although living on the south coast it's not as cold as further north. if it is very cold where you are a spot of vaseline on their combs is good to prevent frostbite......probably only essential in extreme cases tho.

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Mine were all fine last winter.


Bonfire night came and went without me doing anything.


Mind you we used to have a chav neighbour who owned one of these lethal chinese firework type places and he thought nothing of letting off fireworks for 2 hour stretches till 1am.


He's a guest of Her Majesty now I believe, so he won't be doing that again for a while!

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The first winter I got my girls we had a very cold weather. -10oc and colder some nights and not much warmer during the day . The girls were fine without duvets over the Eglu or vaseline on their combs. they are hardier than you might think :D


Luckily we don't get many fireworks :D so I left the girls outside :D

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Debs13 is that Bryan Ferry I see flashing before me. Probably the wrong thing to say on here but he's a fox! Grr... :lol:


I know I am probably being a bit daft about the chooks. I mean, what would they do in the wild? And I don't suppose farms do much different in the winter or on bonfire night. I know this is daft, but I honestly can't remember what November was like last year. We only moved last year. Before that we lived in Caerphilly where the local council used to spend all of our hard earned council tax purely on fireworks regardless of the time of year :!: This thread is going to turn into an anti-firework thread isn't it?


Thanks for the tips. xx

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i think we will put our chooks (when we get them) in the shed or something as we have very enthusiastic neighbors who say "the more fireworks, the better" the funny thing is they are mostly elderly people!

I wouldnt want our chooks to get upset especialy seeing our cats react terribly!

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