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They were ALL cockerals

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So we bought 6 light sussex bantams & realised 4 of them were boys, then another one starting crowing, & now the last one has been confirmed a male too. So I reckon we've either been very unlucky or someone knew that they were selling young males. :roll:


Anyway, we are now left with just our 4 Goldlines & will be getting some more *HENS* soon! No boys this time :roll:


We are going to get some Calder Rangers I think, although we can't seem to find anyone with any at the mo.

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Om! That is so unlucky! I knew someone that had a dog that could tell the sexes of 2 day old chicks! (One day would be too stressful for the poor little things :) ) Anyway, they used to sell off cockerals and keep the hens. Apparantly there are techniques out there. I was very lucky with my 2 eggs I hatched. Both girls! *phew!*

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