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Crop and/or respiratory problem - any ideas please ?

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Hi all,


I have one last remaining ex-bat, Dottie, who for reasons to complex to explain here, has been mostly living in a large dog crate in our utility room (where she gets LOTS of attention). She is about 3.5 years old.


She has been slowing down but eating & drinking fine and alert - she had a potter around the garden yesterday.


Fine at 5pm, at 6pm she suddenly started making a strange noise and pointing beak upwards (not unlike lugreens post below "Chicken suddenly sneezing and straining neck") - sort of gurgling(?) noise - thought it might be crop as she's been eating a LOT (I have been rationing her pellets) - so I put in sink and massaged crop - but nothing.

Have removed the food - left water which she doesn't seem to be taking.


This morning she was the same - now think maybe respiratory - sort of rattle sound - sort of cross between sneeze and burp (no smell)

Have left her in peace and it seems to have decreased.

Have vet's appointment for 5.15. (she is good vet but NOT avian specialist).


Any ideas, H

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Droppings are variable but certainly NOT green.


She hasn't been outside much so also wondered if it could be an allergic reaction to something as it came on so quickly, about an hour after she was outside. She was watched closely the whole time and I'm as sure as I can be that she didn't eat anything unusual - just a little grass.



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