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Chocolate eclairs!

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Well, I bought a chocolate eclair baking tray thing from Lakeland Plastics on Saturday & I've given it a go! Never realised how easy choux pastry is to make!!!! 5 minutes literally!

They are just cooling now & hubby is well impressed. They will be filled with cream and topped with choclate for him. I however, will have one filled with fromage frais & strawberries. Mmmmmmmmmmm



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yeah dead easy:-


125ml water

50g butter

60g plain flour

2 eggs beaten


pour water in the pan, add the butter, melt & bring to the boil. Add the flour & remove from the heat. Beat in the flour until it forms a dough ball.

Cool slightly then add the beaten eggs a bit at a time. Use electric whisk to mix all together. You get a glossy sort of cake mix.


I just spooned mine into the tins then and cooked for about 15 - 20 minutes on 200 degrees centrigrade top shelf.


But if you don't have the tin, just drop sausage shapes onto a baking tray or you could pipe sausages usinga piping bag. Sprinkle a bit of cold water on to help them rise.


When cooked prick them to let out the steam. Leave to cool.


Slice open using a serrated knife & fill with whatever - fresh cream, squirty cream, fromage frais...


I used dream topping for the filling.


For the choccy icing


Melt together 50g dark chocolate

1 teaspoon butter

2 tablespoons water


Then add 85g sieved icing sugar - spread over each filled eclair.


Hubby has just devoured one & says mmmmmmmm yummy! :D




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I don't think Lakeland would have the copyright on Choux Pastry - the recipe has been around a lot longer than Lakeland! :wink:


I spray my choux buns with a mister spray of water before baking. The tin gets wet as well and makes steam which helps them to rise. When I worked in a bakery, the tins had a deep lid which went on for the first 10 mins to make the dough rise well and then removed to brown them. You can do the same with an upturned roasting tin.

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