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two new chickens!

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We now have two new chickens to keep rosemary and saffron company.

They are cuckoo maran bantams at point of lay and very cute! when i find my camera i shall take some pictures.... They are called Eliza and Dandelion, Eliza after the person who got them for us.

About 20 mins before i was booked for a hair cut we got a phone call from one of my mums friends, saying she was at the farm shop and wanted to know whether we wanted a cuckoo maran bantam, we said we wanted two chickens, and then she brought us two back! They are quite placid, and both have already let me hold them :D:D:D .


Pictures will be added!

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you have bantams! ............. I have bantams! arnt they so sweet especilly at around 10 weeks! soo cute! hope your little chooks are happy in their new home i have had them about 10 weeks now and they let me feed out of their hands and one of them will let me pick her up but after 5 minutes she gets bored and makes an escape!

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