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Who has won the cake competition!

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I know what you mean Claire! I made toad-in-the-hole tonight (2 actually -one with veggie sausages, one with 'real' :roll: ) and it didn't come out right at all!


Love having my daughter's boyfriend round for dinner - he says everything tastes great even is it looks suspect :)


Needless to say I didn't enter the cake competition but would like to know who won!!

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That's a relief. I was 8.5 stone when I got married. I dont even want to know what I weigh now! I thought it was all the chocolate, but as it isnt I'm just off to have a square or two of Green and Blacks white ......mmmm....yum.......munch......yum........ Oops :oops: dindt mean to eat it all :wink:


But WHO did win the cake competition?!?!?!

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I got the newsletter today, and the winner is announced in there. So sorry, I forgot the name, but there's a lovely phoyo of a gorgeous little girl with an eglu shaped cake. Looks like a worthy winner to me :D .

Sounds like the judges quite enjoyed the judging process though :wink:

Did I see a reference to a Christmas baking competition too :?:roll: . Too many of these and Simon might not fit in his Omlet pants too much longer :shock:

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ooo, now we can't have our pin-up boy getting out of shape and losing his title of 'Top Bot'!


grd might be in the running if Simon has too many cakes over the festive period.


Must stop talking about pants, I have promised not to mention them if grd comes to the get-together in January :wink: . I will be on my best behaviour :roll:

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Yes, I was - 8st.5lbs after two children - what happened? :?:?



8st.5 - I think I was about 8.5 years when I last weighed that.


Don't get me started on the weight thing again.....my roll is getting bigger by the day and is having competitions with my bump. :cry: depressing :cry:


Back to the pants things...I've bought Darren a pair of Omlet boxers for Christmas. He'll definalty give Simon a run for his money. I'll get a piccy for you :wink:

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Has anyone looked at their newsletter, I was very impressed with myself as I got the picture of the cake I entered on the newsletter. Didn't win, but it's on the top right hand corner of the big block of pictures.


Didn't send them in, they mysteriously disappeared...


I've just thought of something though, wasn't there ment to be 3/5 runners up, there was only two when I looked.

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