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Forgive me if this topic has been covered before and I've missed it.....but...


Has anyone got any idea what the tattoooed back is all about in the Meet the Omleteers picture gallery?


It looks very impressive...but I'm not sure I'd like to order one myself :shock:


Any takers as to who it is?


(I'm guessing there's been a bit of computer trickery going on too)

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I think you'll find it's Clare Taylor & a bit of photographic trickery Gina. Read the Omlet back thread, & I think it originally all started in the Omlet pants thread. Clare volunteered to post a picture of her back if grd would post one of his back. Clare's photo is still there for all to see. Grd's :roll::roll::roll:

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He had his pants on - over his trousers, and only left the photo on the forum for 30 minutes! Got loads of flack over it though!


Thanks for the compliment Gina, how's the bump cooking? I hope that you won't mind me admiring it on the 14th January. I sooo loved being pregnant and would have given anything to have done it again.

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Thanks for the compliment Gina, how's the bump cooking? I hope that you won't mind me admiring it on the 14th January. I sooo loved being pregnant and would have given anything to have done it again.


If you can find my bump Clare, let me know! I've got more of a 'who ate all the pies' tummy at the moment. It's HUGELY fat and wobbly - ugh :evil:


Mind you, by 14th Jan I'll be a good 22 weeks, so I might have more a rounder tum, rather than a bobbly one :lol: I have my scan the week before, so I'll bring my pics along too.


Kate has just PM'd me the in's and out's, so I know the (loose) plan! I'll more than likely be on my tod too, as I'm not sure it's Darren's thing.


anyway - I digress..... :roll:

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I remember that 'feeling fat but really pregnant' thing, when you want to say 'no, actually I haven't put on weight....'. don't worry, your baby bump will round out soon enough and you'll be sticking it out for all the world to see. The baby will eat up your calories, so if you eat sensibly (who does anyway?!) it'll be really firm too.


Take care and hug yourslef and the little bean for me.

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Thanks Clare! Kit is fine :) Big hugs to your beautiful Rosie too!


I do hope to come on the 14th - looks like it will be a great get-together - am still undecided about driving/public transport though. Will depend on Kit's new buggy (still waiting for delivery :x ) and how easy it is to lift etc. Would like to bring him if I can - although he'll probably hide under the table again :roll:

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:D Oh I hope you can come, Carol, & under the table is fine! Kit is such a darling, I'd love to get to know him better. There just wasn't time to talk to everyone properly last time, so it'd be great to see you again if the buggy works out ok. If not poss, I'm sure there'll be other times too. :D

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Thanks Sheila! I really do hope I can come, perhaps if the buggy is awkward I'll rope one of the teenagers in to give me a hand with Kit. Free day out to London should do the trick with the girls :roll:


We lived in London for a few years so they're pretty competent with tubes etc - they could travel with me then wander off to the January sales or something while we all have a good natter and a cup of tea :)


Look forward to seeing you! x

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