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Bully bird!

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Had a catastrophe at the weekend - a friends dog got one of my two girls. We went and got 3 more of the same breed (were going to get two more anyway). The original girl has decided to be rather a bully - she's taken an aversion to the smallest (not that much smaller than her) of the three new ones - isn't a bit bothered by the other two. She chases and pecks at this one new one, won't allow her in the nest box if she's in there and won't allow her out when she wants to be outside. Is this normal? and will she stop it eventually? or what should I do? Any ideas? :?:

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it most certainly is normal, the chicken isnt being a bully, they are just sorting out the pecking order, once they have sorted out who goes where in the pecking order then things will calm down, dont worry, totally normalif it goes on for longer than 3 weeks or so place another post and fellow omleteers can help :D

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Give it time - that's always the advice you get. Its hard though, and I haven't had the nerve to put my 3 and a half year old hen (evil Georgie) in with all the youngsters. Eventually I will have to bite the bullet!


I've introduced new girls of similar ages (only weeks apart) as I didn't get all seven of my young lasses at the same time. The bullying only lasted a few days, week at the most, and now its all sorted. There is still the occasional bit of 'putting her in her place' but its all minor stuff.


women - they are just soooooo difficult!


But we can't live without them!

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just going through an introduction.


ella and the cuckoo maran (big girls) = some pecking - but not violent and friends within 4 days.


ella and my 13 week old cochins = pecking of violent nature, even trying to squat the babies - she cannot be left un-attended with them :roll:


therefore they are sleeping seperately until the cochins reach about 20 weeks and are bigger. they free range together under supervision and also see each other lots.


just give it time and try and get them used to each other.

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just going through an introduction.




therefore they are sleeping seperately until the cochins reach about 20 weeks and are bigger. they free range together under supervision and also see each other lots.




thats my plan with Evil Georgie and the younger girls - I was waiting until they were 20 weeks, as I've tried a week or two ago with really vishus vischous, viscious, vis ..... nasty results

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For the time being I've decided to leave them all together in just the eglu (green eglu) run (we do have the large netting area around it for free ranging) Is this a good idea or should I let them out to free range? Only problem is, despite clipping their wings they are able to get over the netting!! Toffee GNR (the original girl) is still pecking at the smallest of the three, Frodo PP (please note I didn't name the girls, the kids did) - climbing on her back and pulling feathers out - then eating them!!! she has also started on another of them, Ginger GNR. The only one reprieved so far is Sam PP . No doubt she'll get it eventually. They do all sleep together and seem to be reasonably happy - a little bit of pushing and shoving goes on though. I'll see it out, but it is upsetting the kids.

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My lot pulled and ate Stella's feathers too. Mine were at their most nasty whilst in the run together. Maybe I should have just got it over and done with in the run, but I wimped out. New girl spent the daytime in the childrens wendy house on her own whilst original girls were in the run.


But when I was home from work, they free ranged the entire garden together and that was OK. The new girl could jump up on the table out of the way of the bullies (she didn't have her wing clipped but the others did).

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My lot pulled and ate Stella's feathers too.


go for the antipecking rings - brilliant. Little plastic rings, 10p a pop, easy to fit, they can't pull the feathers out. and it doesn't upset their eating or anything




Sorted my Liz a treat


and she looks really trendy with a nose ring - just needs the Amy Winehouse tatoos to be really cool (not).

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