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FOX evidence and it stinks!

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I think we are being visited by Foxy Loxy who has decided to take a dump at the end of the garden and he seems quite proud of his work!


There is too much evidence for it to be a cat (they bury theirs anyhow) and a dog simply couldn't get in the garden.


It matches all the descriptions previously posted by Egluntine.


We are going to have to be extra careful from now on!


I am looking at getting counter measures installed, I like the look of the Scarecrow water cannon thing, I think I will invest in a Foxwatch as well.


I know the chooks are safe whilst in the run but even so it's worry and not too pleasant either :evil:


I would love to how the little *** is getting in, we have seven foot fences all round! If I know where he is i locate the foxwatch better etc.



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and they have 8 acres to go in... and all the surrounding fields....... but they have to use my veggie garden


I found my cats love the raised veg beds too, I can just imagine them talking to each other,


"Have you seen the size of that new litter tray she's just put in, proper soil not that smelly cat litter stuff and with potted plants too!"


I've ended up putting low level netting round the sides, puts them off going in but low enough that I don't have to struggle to get in.

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I agree cats don't always bury it ... but foxes make a point of leaving it uncovered (right in front of the Eglu, in my case!) It tends to be dark and stringy and a bit firmer than cat-poo, as most cats are fed on high-protein canned food, whereas poor old Foxy Loxy has to make do with a lot of low-protein stuff. This depends of course on how many takeaways are in your area, or how many idiotic people are feeding them locally!


You usually get that rank, musky fox smell as well although maybe that's just male foxes? I'm not sure.


It will be jumping the 7' fences like a cat, I'm afraid - although it's worth checking there are no crawl-holes underneath. I haven't seen my local fox since I got Foxwatch working (try www.primrose-london.co.uk). I move mine around every few days in case he's just chosen a different path.

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