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New-to-Chickens - Egg-citement builds - run advice

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Chicken decsions are now made:



2xSussex lite

1xBlack Rock


Based mainly on your advice, local availability and what they look like!! What does it sound like?


We now need to decide whether to build a permanent run or move around the garden with the mobile version. I have a space set aside which measure 10'x6' foot where I can build a walk-in run (6' high). The base is currently a 10" raised bed (great drainage) with runner beans in. Since cost isn't too much of an issue do I go for a permanent one or get one with wheels and a run attached so I can move it around the garden? There's about 1/4 acre of grass.


If I go for a permanent run what surface should I put down over the soil?? What amusements would they like in there?


If we go mobile how long do you leave it in one place?


Can someone convince Kate (OH) that we should let them free-range and not keep them in the run, regardless of how big it is?


I guess lawn feed-weed-moss killer is now banned for good?


All thoughts gratefully received.



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I assume by 'one with wheels attached' you mean a Cube? I don't know how easy they are to move, but I would definitely recommend a permanent base - chickens can destroy a grass area in a few days, and you have to think whether you will want to move it every three days or so - although you sound as if you have a large area of grass.


If you can build a 6' high walk-in run, it will be a lot easier to clean out than the Eglu run which (even on the Cube) is not big enough to get inside.


Put aubiose or hemcore (horse bedding) down for them to scratch around in, and a log to perch on. As regards free-ranging, it depends a bit on where you live and what the local fox population is like - wouldn't risk it myself unless I am there to supervise, but others on here will say they leave their out all day.


I think hen-keeping is what has turned a lot of people on to organic gardening, I won't put anything on the garden now that I wouldn't want them to eat! I'm not sure about lawn feed, but you'll be studying the ingredients of every garden product once you get your hens. Choices sound lovely - post some pics when you get them!

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If you do mean a cube by mentioning the wheels, then I too would build a run - if you look on the eglus and cubes section there are a few peeps that have an issue with the size of the door into the run - having one 6ft high like we have makes it so easier to clean out.


We just just cleared the ground and put aubiose straight down on it - leaving some plants that they happily demolished in the first few days :D


If you are planning on building a 10ft x 6ft though I would put the cube on the outside of this and cut a hole out of the mesh to accommodate the ladder and door into the cube. The reason for this is the access you need to both sides of the cube and the back to slide the poo trays out.


Then if you don't allow the chooks to free range the at least have a good area to roam around in - but if your O/H is anything like me she will give in by the time the first weeks over :lol:



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Will I be banished from the forum for not getting a cube.


I think they're fantastic and no doubt perfectly designed etc. Red Mite free and all that. Logevity will be great. BUT. I like timber and my garden likes timber.


We've not bought it yet though.


Thanks for the advice on the ground cover. Aubiose? I'll google it.


Keep it coming



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Thanks for the responses. We've decided on a timber coup which will locate outside the run which will be permanent. Great news about the lawnmower, scarifier functionality of chickens.


Significant OH phoned a local supplier yesterday and we can get what we want. My guess is they'll be installed within 3 weeks.


Given that they all have names and we don't have them yet I guess now its a foregone conclusion.


I can't wait to get them installed. No doubt I'll be badgering the forum for many years to come.


Incidentally, had I not been infected with the enthusiasm found here on the forum I doubt very much whether I'd have seen through my idea of keeping chickens. It seems very impulsive but hey-ho.


Truly, truly grateful for help on this post and previous. Watch this space for photos.



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Hi. I am only 5 months into chicken keeping so relatively new, but thought perhaps I should share my quandry with you.


I have an eglu + run. I currently move this around the grass twice a week (if I didn't there would be no grass left). This arrangement suits me at the moment. However, it is summer now and grass is dry. But when we had that awful wet "flood week" recently, my grass was scratched up within 24 hours. So I am thinking of a permanent area for the winter months in a corner of the garden that I don't mind being blitzed.


I know this is an unhelpful post in terms of decisions go either permanent or moveable. However, I think that if you make something that has the flexability to be either, you will see which suits you when the chickens arrive and also suits the time of year.

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