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Free ranging

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Hiya everyone!

We have had our madams for about a month now. There have been a few escapese when opening the door to give them there treats. As annoying as it is i always feel guilty about putting them beck in the run as they love grass and when i try and put them back they grab as much grass and leaves as they can to eat in the run.

Today i opened the door and Uma and Mishief came running out and on to the lawn. Brilliant. So there i was running round after Uma whilst trying to keep an eye on Mischeif and holding a bowl of spinich. In the end Uma gave in and i picked her up, mutterd a few words and put her back in the run where the others where amazed by what had happend. I then went after mischeif who by this time was almost on the shed roof. She looked around and realized she was on her own she then started squarking and launching her self at the run. I grabbed her and put her back in. But now they are all pacing up and down the run squarking like mad because they want to go back out. So what should we do? The only problem is that they wont come back into the run even with bribes of spinich (their favorite) so if we did let them free range how do we get them back?


any suggestions would be great.


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I get mine back with mealworms - never fails.


It might be worth 'training' them to associate a particular noise, or maybe a bowl, with treats (I just rattle the mealworm pot and shout 'chook, chook'!) Get them used to this while they are in the run, so they know it means a treat.


Then if you let them free-range, this should bring them running. It'll have to be a treat that they all go for, though - mealworms, sweetcorn or similar, no good if one of them doesn't like it! :wink:

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ok so i live in the middle of town in a 3 bed house with quite a large garden with neighbours on either side and ive had my chickens since they were a week old, and i was starting to feel really guilty about not letting them free range, i was worried because they are polish and can be a bit flighty that they would fly away,,but i plucked up my courage and let them all out, but only after the kids are home from school and i dont have to leave them and go out, i have no gate from my back garden to my front and was also worry they would end up in the road!! Well at about 7.30 when it starts to get dark they all wondered back up to their run and coop and were glad form me to pick them up and pop them back in to go to roost...How we worry and how they make us look silly! I think yours will be fine just do it an for an hour say 6.30 till 7.30 until u pluck up the courage too, some times they are just too clever :D

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We trained ours to a bell, so everytime they get any sort of treat we ring a bell first, and it took about 2-3 days of doing that and now everytime they hear the bell they go beserk as they know a treat is on its way!!

Also we did this using mixed corn as we could drop that through the bars of the run rather than have to open the run door and have them rush out into the garden as they still do!

they also get their treats in a blue plastic bowl which they know is their treat bowl and go crazy when they see that too, even if it's empty!

I'd do bell training or similar for a week or so until they start jumping and flapping when they hear it, then let them out to free range - ours only get an hour or so a day and do a lot of pacing when they see us watching them in the run, as if to say 'we know you can see us why aren't you letting us out' but once out they are perfectly happy pecking grass for hours and as soon as we ring the bell they'll race over to me and try and trip me up as I walk them back to their run and then just put the treat inside and they'll go straight in.

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Definitely best if you let them out for an hour before dusk/roosting time. I had to do that with mine for a while. The older ones will go in for treats, but the two youngsters just ran away. So I waited until dusk then went out with their treat bowl as they were returning to the run to roost. After doing this for a couple of days, the youngsters have got the habit and will rush into the run as soon as they see me pick up their silver bowl. :wink:

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try bell / whistle training them for a week or so in the run then let them out just before dust so they'll be less excited anyway cos they're getting tired - if we let ours out during the day they're running around they're so excited about being out, but if I leave it till evening they just wander aorund pecking the grass and preening themselves, much more calm and easier to control!!

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I must agree with all the above, train the chicks to a noise and they come running and NOTHING is as funny as a chicken running :lol:


Maybe clip their wings as well so they can't scale the fence / wall :?


We didn't at first and we had to go next door and ask "can we have our ball,sorry CHICKEN, back plaese?" :D:D


Fortunately they now love the chickens and look after them when we go away!

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we've never had a problem with our 2 trying to fly, I'm not sure if they realise they can!! I sometime see nugget eying up the shed or 6ft fence but she's not attempted flying up there yet, once she tryed to fly onto the top of the parasol but as it was sloped had to keep flying to stop from falling off backwards!! after that neither of them have attempted it since, I think the bugs and grass is more appealing to our greedy pair!

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