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oi... super Kate

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Yeah...I'd like to know how she can call our Superkate a trouble maker :evil:


Oh Kate - she's obviously tarred you with her own brush and got the complete wrong end of the stick. Can't please all the people all the time can you, no matter how hard you try.


I'll come and help you hold Clare's cattle prod!

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Oh Boy, just been and had a look that woman has serious control issues. Imagine if like she thinks it should be, the whole world looked through her eyes :shock:


I am a live and let live person but sometimes :evil:


I had to resist the urge to jump in I didn't want to stir it again.


How dare she suggest that having a plastic coop means they get less care than wood by the nature of it being easy to clean :twisted:


You did well Kate and Kooringa but if she starts to get as bolshy there she will get ousted again. Has she been on a trial membership over here at all does anyone know :?:

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I know Lowlander pretty well so sent her a PM to warn her about possible problems. I wasn't so much angry that she was attacking Eglus but felt that the RC mods should know that she's a prospective trouble maker.


The downside is that I'm now labelled as a trouble maker by her after over a year on that forum having upset no one and she's upset the apple cart within 2 days!

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I've just found that thread Kate, and taken some time to read through it. I must say that I am amazed by the strength of her vitriole :shock: .


I like to think that I consider all options and make balanced judgements or decisions about things, and I would never dream of broadcasting my beliefs in such a manner and with such force. I am astonished that anyone would do so on a public forum.


It must have been quite a shock for you seeing those messages and the strength of the 'message' that they conveyed. Keep your beak up, we're right behind you Kate


Big hugs on their way to you......



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