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cluck and henry

Moving house, chicken blues

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We have recently made our ladies a nice new run. :lol:


The type that we can walk into standing upright, (bliss).


We are over the moon with the results. No more scrabbling about on our knees picking out the poo. Our ladies moved in without a fuss. They seem to be loving the new space.


But, we are worried :? The food in the feeder does not seem to be going down much by comparison to the way it usually does. If we put a few bits on the floor as we used to do they will eat this. We now have a cabbage hanging up in the run which is something that we did not do before. The cabbage is being eaten but there is still a fair bit left. They were given leaves to eat before but this was by hand.


Should we be worried, especially as Henrietta is laying the double yokers??



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