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I have just read on a posting from 2004 that Foxgloves are poisonous.

My hens have eaten all the foxgloves in the garden, they loved the comfrey, and the courgette plants were gone in minutes.


I don't have many plants, but wonder if they are ok with them, I have a couple of lavenders, I don't think they like them, I also have hollyhocks, penstemon, jasmine, honeysuckle, passion flower, sedum and a pink daisy osteo something.


(I am just concerned that Bella has only laid one egg last Tues, and nothing since, is this normal?)

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Hmmmm :think:


Im not too sure about the rest of the plant mentioned but i do know that digitalis is contained in foxgloves and is poisonous however if the chooks have eaten it and come to no harm then i wouldnt worry too much.


As for her not laying an egg since last week - are they young girls? If so egg laying can be a little random until they get into a routine also the weather has been very changeable and i find this has an impact on my girls laying too.

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Em's right about the digitalis, but mine seem to avoid foxgloves, but then hens have never been known for their good sense :roll: If you're concerned and love your plants, then I'd recommend fencing them off Sue.


It was the last straw when my darlings raided my lovely herb garden and stripped it bare - the patio and borders are now out of bounds, with one area left for them to dustbathe in.


I let them on the borders in the winter when I've cut it all down - they turn it over, fertilise it and eat all the nasties, then I fence it off again so the plants can grow. It's a sort of uneasy harmony - they'd love to munch all my flowers and veggies :roll:

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