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Hello, I have a question about the Eglu cube and whether or not it will fit a brahma?

I currently have x2 silkies, welsummer, wheaten maran and a legbar. Would a brahma be able to fit in the cube with them comfortably? And does it have any problems nesting and getting in and out of the cube?

Would like to hear from people who owns brahma and a cube please.

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They are very large birds Crazy Chicken, but most importantly you can't just add one without the risk of bullying and injury. You would need to add a pair and keep them in an isolation coop first, in sight of the others, before adding them. They aren't known for laying well and are slow maturing, so they may fit initially and then grow too much? We have some similar sized chickens and they have a 45 cm high pop-hole, as any less and they have to stoop to get in, with the risk of comb damage.

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