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Emerald girl

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Hi Everyone.  
Wondering how to help my Emerald hen, Hetty.  She normally lays blue eggs but hasn’t laid ‘proper’ eggs for at least 8 weeks now.  However, she lays soft shell eggs every so often. 
when I first got her in September 2020 and she started laying she did produce a few soft shell eggs, then lovely blue eggs.  She is a bit broody and loves to sit in the coop on the eggs of her sisters.  She never objects to being moved.  She is a bit of a loner but is such a loving bird.  She does not appear to be ill, everything seems normal.   I have tried feeding separately and with extra protein etc but am wondering whether I should take to a vet to make sure she’s ok. What do others think?  

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I had one who kept laying softies for a while then she just started to lay eggs with a proper shell, all be it a quite thin one.

I kept mine on the poultry tonic for a week or so.

I would keep an eye on her for now, as you say, she doesn't seem unwell, perhaps she might lay better eggs again once spring comes.

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