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Chinese New Year and other dates.

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This is a reminder for Cinnamon ... who asked when Chinese New year is.


Its Sun 29th Jan and is the year of the DOG. :P


Groundhog day is then on the 2nd Feb (Thurs) not so sure what you are supposed to do on that day, was there a film about it. :wink::lol::lol:


According to my American desk diary .... weds March the 8th, is international women's day ... so watch out GRD :shock::lol:


Apparently today is AUSTRALIA day, so maybe some Amber Nectar can be drunk to celebrate ... or wine .. then use the corks to make a hat. :P:lol:

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14th Feb is 'grd' day. At least that's when the postman delivers tons of cards to me. :wink: It can be annoying though - I have to dig my way out of the house. :roll:



Are the tons of cards telling you that the electricity meter needs to be read.... that the gas meter needs to be read..... that Betterware called and they want their catalogue back.............

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