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Guest grd

Dinner Date...

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If you could go on a Dinner Date with anyone in the world, who would it be?


Obviously, huh :D , I know you all want to put "grd", but I'm ruling myself out of this one. :wink:


Ok, seriously, I have three that I can't decide between. a) Jodie Foster, b) Gill Hicks (the lady who lost both her legs in the London bombings), and c) Aung San Suu Kyi. All amazing women, but I just can't narrow it down any further. Maybe I would try and go with all three. :roll:

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At the same time or seperately? :roll:


Kate will be along later with a list as long as your arm - starting with Rick Stein or Tom Cruise :roll:


Me? - I prefer to eat alone - or perhaps with Carl. By choice I would eat all my meals out of a bowl, with a spoon in one hand and a book in the other. :D

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I was thinking all at the same time, but that might not be such a good idea. If they got chatting amongst themselves, I might get left out. :?


Maybe you could have one for starters,one for the main course & one for dessert.

Then you could have coffee on your own & reflect on your wonderful evening.......

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