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Is anyone else having problems with it today?


I was browsing this morning, as me, when it suddenly decided that I was a guest had to login or register.


It won't recognise my username or password and won't let me in as a guest either so I can't ask for help on there.


Is it just me? :?

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I think they changed it when I was browsing - one minute it was fine and then it asked me to login - but I was already logged in :? When I did try to login it wouldn't recognise me at all. So I tried to register but it wouldn't let me because I already existed......... but it wouldn't let me in because I didn't exist...............


I'd just got to the bit I really needed as well about despatchers - it took me ages to find :roll:


I'll try again tomorrow.

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I'm so glad it's not just me. I was happily browsing on PP on sunday when it decided to log me out :shock: I am registered although have only posted a handful of times, so I applied for a new password (having forgotten the original- relying on auto log-in far too much I'm afraid), but it didn't like the new password either, so I've not been on there since.

I'm also registered on poultrykeeper, and it's an interesting forum, and actually very tolerant of eglus, they're mentioned in several posts that I've come across with the only negative comment being about the size limiting the number of chickens you can keep in them. They do seem to have had their problems over there too though- I've recently recieved a couple of fairly odd emails from them- big disagreements between the mods I think :?

Still worth a visit though :D

(For those interested our friend has posted pics of her chicken housing- I'm saying no more :wink: )

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