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Its gone all floppy

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All my girls' combs have been upright up to now. I had seen pictures of hens with floppy combs but hadn't really paid any attention.


Now one of my Buff Sussex has gone and grown a floppy comb (she's only young, 28 weeks or so, so it is the first time; it has grown that way, not grown upright and fallen over later).


Does anyone know why? Is it a breed thing, or an individual hen thing, or just a random thing?


Or what?


At first I thought maybe she'd slept on it and was having a bad hair day :wink: (not really)




As you can see from the squat she is just about to start laying (and she has got a lot lot tamer and talks to me all the time)


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She is beautiful Richard! One of my favourite breeds. :)


I have a GNR with a floppy comb. She is 2.5 yrs old now and absolutely fine; she just has a floppy comb. I hope you don't want to show your hen, otherwise I don't think there's anything to worry about.

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I think it's just an age thing Richard, one of my Buff Sussex and one of the Marans has gone floppy in the last few weeks, and they've come into lay in the last couple of weeks too.

I must say my 2 Buff Sussex have become so 'friendly' it's starting to annoy me sometimes. If I so much as say their names they squat for ages and I'm constantly tripping over them, literally :evil: , they're under my feet all the time.

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I must say my 2 Buff Sussex have become so 'friendly' it's starting to annoy me sometimes. If I so much as say their names they squat for ages and I'm constantly tripping over them, literally :evil: , they're under my feet all the time.


Its good to hear that - mine have been the nerviest, most subservient, jittery pair of hens I've had. But now they are getting really tame and friendly. One is just about ready to lay, the other is nearly there.

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Sorry I can't help with the comb problem Richard, but I'm sure it's normal. She's a lovely hen!


It's funny, I can see all the traits you are describing for your buff sussexes in my sussex x araucana! Very nervous at first - now she runs up to me and squats so I usually tread on her toes! Also lays cream eggs with white speckles (rather than blue :roll: ) She even looks like a buff sussex, just with a lot of facial hair!

This is Rosie in her favourite place - she's always last out of the cube and will sit on the top rung of the 'ladder' and talk to me until I lift her down! :roll:


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