CatsCube Posted December 16, 2007 Share Posted December 16, 2007 The OH tends to play on the Xbox in the afternoons at weekends, Noah takes quite an interest when he gets up from his nap. And likes to sit with his daddy to watch. Going 'oh dear' when daddy kills someone or crashes his car. We dont quite know if its a good idea him watching games like this or not? I mean he says 'oh dear' when their are car crashes on Disney Cars and its not real people getting killed but fictional aliens and stuff for the most part. I know some of them carry 18 certificates, but I dont know if at Noahs age he is really going to be affected or turn out to be some sort of nutter from them? (he recently turned 2) Dont worry about offending me, do you think its okay for Noah to watch these games being played or sould he wait till he is out of the room? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Posted December 16, 2007 Share Posted December 16, 2007 hmmm, IMO, the games don't have age certificates on them for nothing. Some of these games are quite violent, realistic and graphic and getting more so as time goes on. I think 2 is a bit young to be watching the kind of stuff that goes on in these games, but that's just my opinion. I'm talking about the violent games with blood and guts though. If it's just cars crashing, then I don't see the harm. Catoons on the other hand, although sometimes violent, I don't think are frightening to the same degree as some computer games. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Posted December 16, 2007 Share Posted December 16, 2007 I wouldn't have wanted my 2 year old watching violence like that. Children absorb everything they see. They are toddlers because they are still learning about the world and I believe their world should be happy and safe. A 2 year old doesn't need to know about anything else. I hope I don't come across too strong! This is my opinion, as you asked, but what you do with your children is your decision. It's really good that you are thinking about it. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Egluntyne Posted December 16, 2007 Share Posted December 16, 2007 I'm inclined to agree with Ginette. Why not encourage your OH to have a couple of children's games that your little one can play with Dad. I suspect at his age it is more about sitting on his lap and joining in than it is about what is on the screen. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CatsCube Posted December 16, 2007 Author Share Posted December 16, 2007 ha ha unfortunatly he hates cute platform type games. Noah cant play anything yes anyway, if you gave himn a controler he would probably just add it to a bowl and stir it with a wooden spoon. He probably sees more realistic violence and stuff just on TV on coronation street! But yeah Im not sure on some of the games, its not like he is going to get ideas on getting a big gun and shotting a load of aliens, but it might give him a werid idea on death and stuff. I thing we will have to switch it off when he gets up in the afternoon. Plus gives me an excuss to play viva pinata which is a cute kiddy game (although it involves smashing evil pinata with a shovel so the others can eat their insides ) Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Snowy Posted December 16, 2007 Share Posted December 16, 2007 It is good to be thinking about it Cat. As much as anything you need to be clear and agree in advance with your OH what is acceptable and what is not. As they get older, they will have a much better idea of what they want and won't hesitate to ask relatives! Very hard to say no if you haven't made it clear and granny buys an inappropriate game! I was very strict with my oldest and would only ever buy games within his age range. My sister in law bought Grand Theft Auto for him when he was 12 and I asked her to take it back - she did so happily, but when he went to her house she asked him if he wanted to play it and she wouldn't tell me! Good lad said he didn't think that was right and promptly told me himself! There are some great and challenging games out there that are good for an adult to play whilst littlie is watching. Mine have loved Mario, Zelda and Golden Sun and Pokemon over the years. 16 year old is teaching 5 year old to play Mario on the Wii at the moment! I do think that, even though they don't understand what they are seeing, they do absorb the imagery and become desensitised to it. Anyways, good to think about it now before he gets hooked! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Posted December 16, 2007 Share Posted December 16, 2007 can you get guitar hero for the xbox? did you see all the guitars in my Christmas tree pic? DH now wants guitar hero for his PS2, as if there aren't enough guitars in our house! Did you say your OH plays guitar cat? Maybe I was imagining it but guitar hero might be a nice game for them both? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CatsCube Posted December 16, 2007 Author Share Posted December 16, 2007 Haha no the opther half ates all games like that, but Im getting guitar hero for xmas. He is far to young for any game playing yet as he wouldnt have a clue, but he likes to stand and have a dance to music on the telly I was just discusing with a friend about this, as when they are little babies you cant stop them watching stuff like this at all, like dylan is downstairs from about 8 in the morning till his last bottle at 11pm, in this time we play computer games, watch TV and films, some of which are voilent, but he is a baby and doesnt care (plus is would be impossible to not have him see these things unless we just stopped watching them ourselves or sat him in another room on his own!) So its a question of that what age do you think they should no longer able to see these things and you wait till they are in bed. Cause I fully agree with childeren not playing voilent games and watching adult films etc. But what do you do when they are a little tot? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Snowy Posted December 16, 2007 Share Posted December 16, 2007 Sorry Cat - you don't watch them! I never have whilst mine have been in the same room Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Posted December 16, 2007 Share Posted December 16, 2007 I don't let James watch anything which isn't really age appropriate = except Casualty. He loves watching hospital stuff and ambulances and he fully understands its all acting so I will put it on when he is there. Otherwise I won't put on Eastenders but will put on Neighbors or Home & Away (oh how sad to I sound?). No films either unless they are age appropriate - then watching Happy Feet scared him! He begged to watch Dr Who as his friends do but asked me to turn it off after 5 mins cos he was scared. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CatsCube Posted December 16, 2007 Author Share Posted December 16, 2007 Snowy Howells said: Sorry Cat - you don't watch them! I never have whilst mine have been in the same room well the baby is in the room all day, only goes to bed when we do after his last bottle, at the moment its just a load of bright lights and moving images to him and he is more interested at how he can fit his feet in his mouth. By the time he is old enough to make sense of what is on he screen he will be going upstairs for a sleep at nap time and have a proper bed time so it would never be a problem as we only watch films in the evenings anyway. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Basset Posted December 16, 2007 Share Posted December 16, 2007 I agree with everyone else. Their little minds absorb so much, I dread to think what the long term impact of viewing inappropriate images may be, at best it will be unsettling for them or create insenstive individuals. I think our role as parents should be to provide a safe, secure and loving environment for our children to grow up in. It certainly does not create a warm caring home if children see these adult games as the norm. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Posted December 16, 2007 Share Posted December 16, 2007 It's not just the images though, is it? It's the sounds as well. They can be disturbing and frightening. I am a very strong believer in keeping children out of the adult world for as long as possible. They don't need it. I tell my children that they will be adult for a very long time, so enjoy childhood while they can. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
chickencam Posted December 17, 2007 Share Posted December 17, 2007 We have issues with this in our house.Hubby sees no problem with challenging them but I think that when they are under 11 or 12 they should only watch things appropriate to their age. My eldest is 14 and I let her watch things that are adult but not 18 certificate but explain that she must only watch what she is comfortable with.They mature emotionally at different stages. I still get scared by violence and horror and psycologically disturbing things are the worst for me. My hubby let the yougest watch the most recent James Bond film, which are normally not so bad but that one even I was shocked by the violence it should have had a 15 certificate. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...