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The Dogmother

Biscotti di Amore

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Biscuits of Love....


I don't know what the real name of these is, but I found the old recipe yesterday and made some. My Italian grandma used to tell a story about these biscuits - any young girl making these for her sweetheart would be sure to win his heart... must have something to do with them being so delicious! (I've metricised the quantities)


225g plain flour

1/2 tspn each of baking powder, bicarb, ground ginger, cinnamon, nutmeg and cardamom

1 medium egg

50g unsalted butter

100g golden caster sugar

100g runny hunny


Sieve together the flour, bicarb and BP and the spices. In another bowl, or a mug, gently whip the egg. In a small pan, melt together the butter, sugar and honey.


Stir the melted mixture into the spiced flour until it looks crumbly, then add half the egg and mix into a dough (you might need to add more flour at this stage). Mould into a ball of dough, wrap in cling film or greaseproof paper and chill for a couple of hours.


Roll out on a floured surface until 2mm thick (they rise a bit when cooking) and cut into shapes (at this time of year I use stars and hearts), put on a greased baking sheet and cook at gas 4 for about 10 minutes - you will need to keep an eye on them as they can burn quickly. Move onto a cooling tray before they cool and harden. When they are cool, I ice little outlines on them with some white writing icing.... Rosie uses pink sparkly icing :roll:


They make your kitchen smell delicious and it's hard not to eat loads. They keep in an airtight container for a couple of weeks (if you don't eat them before that!)

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