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Tessa the Duchess

Stupid manufacturers

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I have just spent half an hour battling with my grandson's car seat, trying to get the cover off to wash it :evil: Much cursing and a broken finger nail. And I realise you can't take the two pads off to wash them because they are sewn on to the harness :evil::evil: Why don't the manufacturers of baby equipment realise that young children are mucky pups and stuff needs washing really often. It's a good quality seat, Britax Eclipse and cost over £100 :shock::shock: I am going to write a very snotty e.mail to Britax, after I have a restorative cup of tea :)



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Sorry...I shouldn't chuckle....but the idea of an Omleteer being upset about breaking a nail is too funny for words!! :lol: :lol:



I know what you mean though.....although it is a long time since I had to wrestle with car seat covers.


Write to them......they might send you another cover.

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Sorry...I shouldn't chuckle....but the idea of an Omleteer being upset about breaking a nail is too funny for words!! :lol: :lol:



I know what you mean though.....although it is a long time since I had to wrestle with car seat covers.


Write to them......they might send you another cover.


Just wait until you acquire grandchildren Egluntine - you need a degree to fold/unfold pushchairs these days, let alone take any covers off anything - they are a nightmare. I spent an hour in the Leisure Centre car park when Jake was tiny - I'd managed to unfold the pram but couldn't get it folded down again :evil: I nearly dumped the pram :roll:

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We have had two Britax 2nd stage car seats, currently a Renassiance, & on both of them the padded shoulder "pads" were attached on a seperate bit of belt webbing that would come off the safety straps via the back metal attachments for washing on its own.


Anyone ever had to clean the buckle out because a child had been sick on it? :vom:


And ever since I have washed Ethan's car seats the straps are murder to do up tight. I put everything back correctly, I am a stickler in the car seat dept.

Hubby may know how to use an all-singing all-dancing camera, but he hasn't a clue how to fasten the seat into the car :lol:

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Just wait until you acquire grandchildren Egluntine - you need a degree to fold/unfold pushchairs these days, let alone take any covers off anything - they are a nightmare. I spent an hour in the Leisure Centre car park when Jake was tiny - I'd managed to unfold the pram but couldn't get it folded down again :evil: I nearly dumped the pram :roll:


:):) I was afraid you were going to say you nearly dumped the grandchild. I bought my grandson his pushchair when he was born. They chose a three wheeled VERY heavy nightmare from Mothercare :evil: I refuse to use it and still use my 25yr old Mclaren which was used for both of my children and is still going strong :shock:



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One of the mums at playgroup brought her pushchair still up to the playgroup comittee meeting in the back of her van in the hope that one of us might be able to tell her how to fold it up. Wouldnt it be so much easier if there was a universal method.

Tessa what youve said sounds very familiar the amount of my friends Ive tried to advise to not buy a big, very expensive pushchair and they've ignored me is huge. Most of them have regretted their purchases and have ended up buying smaller than lighter not long after. I'm so glad I'm a scrooge and dint waste my money like that.

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Sorry Tessa, had to laugh! I have the same seat and, although it does actually come apart, it is a nightmare to do! Erm, have you got it back together again yet? :? Takes me ages and several attempts every time I do it (not very often I have to admit :lol: )

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Erm, have you got it back together again yet? :? Takes me ages and several attempts every time I do it (not very often I have to admit :lol: )


Funny you should ask that. As I was struggling to get if off it dawned on me that at some time tomorrow I would be struggling to get it back on:evil:

I actually made notes of where all the various straps slotted back through :roll:



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