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new girls from BHWT

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they've arrived, the girls form ab fab(Edina Saffy & Bubbles), the run extension is on & a piece of tarpuline did the trick as rain cover, if I ever work out how to download pics from OH digital camera I will try to post some. Bubbles is the little one, her whole neck is devoid of feathers & Patsy was at it again picking on all the others, the anti peck spray does seem to help but I can see that I may need more of it.


I really didn't want to go to work today the girls were all snuggled up together this morning ahh!! & it will be dark before i get home. Cant wait until Wed when I finish at lunch time & can get home to talk to them.

My neighbours already think I'm mad

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clash city rocker AH!!! you put my girls into the car, it was nice to meedt you, I have been so enthusiastic about my new girls that 1 receptionist went out at the week end & brought at coop & 3 hybids & 1 of my GPs has the bug again & wants to start chicken keeping again

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Hi Newish girl here. Where did you get the anti-peck spray from? I'm not sure if my chucks need this . I've just posted a new subject about it and waiting for replies.Did it work quickly , did you have problems using it?

sorry just a bit worried about my new babies!


i rang Barbara from omlet when my girls were fighting & she sold it to me, its not on the on line shop but you can apparently get it from poultry suppliers & some pet shops.


it seemed to work ok, I have ex batts & Patsy is a really bossy boots, I picked up 3 new girls on Sunday there was a little scuffle when I put them in with Patsy but it soon calmed down but I sprayed them all when they were asleep, you have to be careful not to get it into their eyes

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