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I now have my Eglu!!!

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I took a trip to London today to pick up a green Mk 2 Eglu from Lara who had advertised it on the forum. It came complete with Poppy and Coco (Miss Pepperpot and Gingernut Ranger) and everything else I could possibly need.


Lara made us very welcome and it was lovely to meet her and her beautiful baby and delightful toddler. I did feel mean for taking their chickens away :( but hope they won't feel too sad when they know we are keeping their chooks happy.


I guess this is just the start then....... :?

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Thank you Jayne and Rebecca. I'm happy to join the ranks of eglu owners! :D

Just me to go then...


Hopefully I'll get a visit from an eglu fairy soon...There's still one on sale on ebay about 60 miles away.


Mum is finally gonna have a word about it to Dad...As she's just realised how much I'd love to own one!



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I have just feasted on my first two eggs form my new chickens. :D


It was a delicious concoction of omelette cooked in butter I made at the weekend (thanks for butter-making advice on the forum SuperKate!), with a serving of steamed spinach. Mmmm.


Obviously it was the least I could do to treat it with due reverence and have a nice glass of wine to accompany it. :wink:

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Brilliant !egg! news Linda.


Go for it noeglu , we've all got our fingers crossed :!:


Might not go for the one in Bristol now as Helen's selling her MK1 green eglu. Ilchester is closer and I can PM her to ask her for it...


Now just how to convince Mum and Dad.....As they can't seem to veiw by my eyes and keep saying I have a perfectly good chicken house of my own. And I'm thinking THAT'S NOT THE POINT AT ALL!


I'll have to do my think and see who I could sell my wooden coop to. I wonder whther my neighbours friends ever got round to breeding chooks after all. I so I could maybe sell it to them...Or my Mum's friend...


Do any of you guys have any ideas?


P.S. Thankis for all the kind crossing of fingers.

P.P.S. Have been told off for talking about eglus too much-slap wrist. Maybe the only way to stop me talking about them is to buy me one...mmmmmm. I hope so.

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How old are you Noeglu?

Do you have a "significant" birthday coming up....18 ,21,30 or like me 40???


Maybe you would rather get an Eglu than a string of pearls (which is what I got for my 21st & have never worn :roll: )


Or put away a bit every week - it will soon add up :P

Maybe if you show a real financial commitment they might help out a little?I am saving all the £2 coins I get in the hope that I can eventually pay for a suprise holiday for The Hubby next year.


But then again,I saw a lovely coat in Reading last week - & it is awfully cold at the moment :?

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