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eBay problems

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Hi all, I really need your help.

I sold a bag on eBay, I recieved for christmas that I didn't want :oops:

A lady in Belgium bought it. This is the first time selling something on eBay and I thought it would be straight forward, but its not. I thought the money would go straight into our paypal account. I got a message from said lady (who's English isn't brilliant) asking if I could accept her payment because she wants her bag. But I don't know how to :oops: I've clicked "accept payment" but it has been sent to my old AOL email address, where I have to confirm the payment. I don't have AOL any more, so I don't have the account. I tryed editing my personal info so the email would go to my new email address, but it hasn't worked :cry: I emailed eBay to ask them to edit it for me but they can't help, because they can't be sure that I'm not trying to hack into someone elses account :? (which I'm not, I don't even know how to :shock:)


Any help? Please?



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Computers eh? :roll:


I think I'd email the lady and explain what's happening. You don't want to get a negative review from her.


I would then try cancelling or deleting your Paypal account and setting up a new one. Or even just setting up a new one first, then emailing Paypal and asking them to delete the old one for you?


A similar thing happened to me with a blog account. I mis-typed my email address, and now it won't let me edit it to the correct version.

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Thank you both for your replies.

I have emailed the lady to explain, but I'm not convinced she understands becuase she said "go to paypal, you see I paid, I did, I understand, I want my bag now" :? What is that supposed to mean? I said "Yes I know you have paid, I just don't know how to accept it." and she said "I did."

AAAARRRGGGGHHH, why oh why do I think of these ideas?

I have edited the email address in my profile, but it still says "your payment has been sent to *old email address* sign in to collect it" :x:x:x


I think I will just delete it and start over. If it lets me.



Thank you both.



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that kept happening to me and i couldn't figure out why, paypal had my correct email address so i phoned them and the problem was that i'd put my old e-mail address in the ebay ad because it had auto filled it in when i was doing the ad. So, when the sender was trying to send payment via ebay, it was going to the wrong email address.


What email address did you put in your ebay ad?


I'd suggest you phone paypal as well but a way round it might be to send a request for payment via your paypal account to this lady and get her to pay that way.

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Ok, go to paypal, log in with your old email address and password (should still work) then, refund her the money by

# Click the History subtab.

# Find the payment you would like to refund.

# Click Details to open theTransaction Details page.

# Click the Refund Payment link.

# Enter the refund amount and click Submit.

# Confirm the refund amount and click Submit.

Then change the email to the correct one by

# My Account Tab

# Profile

# Email

Then make a new email address and click "make primary"

Then ask the person to send the money again

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I'd suggest you phone paypal as well but a way round it might be to send a request for payment via your paypal account to this lady and get her to pay that way.


.....................but she HAS paid.

xChicken04x would need to refund her,then make the request.


if the old email address isn't linked to her paypal a/c though the payment should bounce.


Anyway, i think chicken04 is best calling paypal.

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