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Mel (& Paul)

Summer Get Together - Tamsin's House

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Mel, are you sure?

Having the party at their office?

Have you seen the state of it?


I propose having it at The National Herb Centre, which is near to them (and me :wink: ), they lay on lovely whole food there, the surroundings are fantastic and you can hire the whole place, so the kiddies can run around in the fields and do the nature trails. While we sit in the fun and talk about chickens and eat cake.


Perfick. :D

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If you make it Saturday 2nd September, I'll have a 12 year old! I'm sure she would appreciate lots of birthday cake. :lol: Hope you don't pick between 5th & 12th August. I don't know how many people can manage a weekday between end of July and beginning of September :?:


If its any help, the children go back on 5th September in this area as the day before is an inset day. They break up around 25th July (very late this year).

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A little bird has just told me that there WILL be an OFFICIAL OMLET GET TOGETHER mid-August and preparations are in hand. It will be near Omlet HQ and looks to be held over a weekend so anyone who is able to camp/B&B etc will be able to make a weekend of it.


It sounds like it's going to be great fun. I can't wait! As soon as there are any concrete plans announced, they will be posted here so just bear with the team as it IS going to happen.


OOoooooooooooooooo! Excited now!


PS - I won't take bribes for information unless the figure is at least 6 figures :wink: .

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