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Guest Penguinmad

My car is sick!

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Well I@ve had anohter poo day. On my way to the job I dislike I found the A road closed and an 8 mile journey took an hour and a half. Oh and I have a back problem at the moment that gets worse if I'm sitting, driving etc so I arrived in AGONY and late to boot.


I thought I would run out of petrol too as I was stopping off on the A road to get some and that didn't happen so I had to fill up at an overpriced Jet station.


After filling up the car did a few judders and just didn't feel right, I worried about the petrol - I KNOW I didn't fill up with diesel by accident as it costs more and the full tank came in at a surprisingly low price of £52 when last week it took £56 at a cheaper price. But I was worried about the petrol.


On the way home tonight the car didn't feel right again and then I noticed a light had come on on the dash - a look at the manual confirmed my worst fears its the ENGINE MANAGEMENT LIGHT. I've called the dealers and they are collecting and returning the car tomorrow - I'll have to take Mums car to work.


Its all under warranty but I need my car - Mum is stranded without hers and I'm supposed to be picking up a fridge Saturday for the rental house - that's not going to fit in a KA!!!


So fingers crossed all that my car isn't going to be hard to fix.

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I had mine MOTd 2 weeks ago, it needed a service and new back box on the exhaust to get through (not bad, it's 7 years old and does a lot of miles).


Halfway back from a meeting yesterday the exhaust blew and I had to crawl back to school sounding like a Sherman tank, with another member of staff in the car and passing crowds of kids as we arrived.


Had to ask Mum to pick up the lads, and crawl home at 20 mph. It's at the garage this morning and I'm awaiting the call to tell me how much it'll cost to fix it. Fingers crossed they'll just need to re-fit the back box and ensure the seals are ok.

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Sorry to hijack your thread Pengy, but has anyone else had problems with a Vauxhall Astra's brakes seizing when the handbrake is on, say, overnight?


I know nothing about cars but a few years ago the back wheel became locked and I couldn't reverse it out of the drive. This had been preceded by a "clunk" whenever we reversed. AA were called, and our garage fixed it but now it's happening again. The garage has had it in twice and say they've done what they can but it's still clunking unless we put the car in gear when parking it.


Common problem apparently :roll: . Anyone had the same?

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Turns out its OK - they've cleaned the contacts and the light has gone out. I havn't driven it yet though.


They picked it up at 10 and brought it back at 1.30 Main dealers are wonderful!


Oh and it cost nothing - I don't believe in keeping cars that are out of warranty. A hangback from my days at Ford I'm afraid.

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