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Aunty e

Recycling Dyson

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My DC07 died, it stopped picking up as well, and started making a funny noise. We replaced the filters but didn't really help. Does anyone know what I can do with it? I'm sure it could be repaired and it seems such a waste to throw it away, but it doesn't work well enough to take to a charity shop.

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They repair well Auntye


We still have a DC01, I think most of the bits on it have been replaced but it is still going as good as new


Dyson used to have a really good repair service, they used to come to your home and fix them. Not anymore though


We have another Dyson (not sure which one, it is very colourful) that is our upstairs vac, we got that from someone that was going to take it to the tip. So we took it in and had it serviced and it's as good as new. it also saves me lugging the vac upstairs

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We think we killed ours by using shake n vac, which I didn't realise was bad for Dysons. The Vax does work really nicely, and the ability to wash our carpets is very welcome, (literally, the water was BLACK when i did the living room yesterday), so I think the Dyson isn't a goer. If nothing else, I like using shake n vac and we all enjoy doing the dance :lol:


I'd hate to think of the dyson going in the bin when I'm sure it's fixable though. I do love them, and used to sell them ages ago. I shall pop it on freecycle for someone to rescue unless anyone here wants it? I imagine your colourful one is the limited edition De Stijl version - in homage to a dutch artist who believed that utility should be emphasised by the use of colour [GEEK].

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I believe they do the overhaul thing - but if you've got a new one, why not Freecycle it and let some enterprising person either get it overhauled, or try and fix it.


I am astonished at the things that 'go' on Freecycle, my broken iPod went within minutes to someone who reckoned they could fix it, and people often advertise things that aren't working. Give it a go!

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