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we bought the coop etc now need chickens

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well hubby to my surprise has bought me a wooden coop with a run, :wink: i think his way of getting out to building one but what he doesnt know is i gt a greenhouse on way lol so the coop will go in that and now ill add the run of the greenhouse, but ssshhhhhh dont tell him yet.

now to get the chickens next week been offered some they are about 8 mths old. do these sound ok of a lady who breeds them. some started laying some nearly there.

wanted your advise what is the best ones to get for 4 kids and cats they will live in the run with 1-2 week will get the run of garden esp when summer is here if we get one.

my 4yr old wants a fat chicken :? how do u tell a 4yrs old its not to good for them to be to fat :lol:

i need to get my feeders any recomendations were to get from and good for busget now :lol:

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Only draw back with Brahama and cochins is they are very heavy for a young child to lift. You can get bantam versions of Brahmas, and a Pekin is basically a small cochin, and also a Miniture Orpington is a fab little ball of fluff. All very friendly and dociale for childreen too. Also as they have short or feathery legs they do less damage in your garden too.

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now to get the chickens next week been offered some they are about 8 mths old. do these sound ok of a lady who breeds them. some started laying some nearly there.


Do you know the name of the breed (or breeds) you have been offered by this lady? I'm sure someone on this forum will have experience of that particular breed and advise you on suitability for children, cats etc.

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I spoke to our local chicken breeder on the subject of what chickens to get (if Mr Webmuppet ever gives in) and they recomend Pekin Bantams for children ( or comedy chickens as Mr Webmuppet calls them) as they are docile and light to pick up. The lady suggested two bantams and a hybrid chicken ( so that I have some normal sized eggs for cooking).

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Silkies wil be very friendly and look fun for the kids. DONT go for the exchequers as they are very flighty and hate handling unless your not fussed about that, Light sussex and marrans are fine choices and friendly but they may pick on the silkey. Its worth checking with her if they have grown up together so are used to thte silkie, if not that will probably go for her fancy feathering.

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Am glad you have decided to go for the RIR's.


It is impossible to say how easy it will be to add more hens later.


It depends on the temperaments of the hens concerned. You should expect a few skirmishes as they sort the pecking order out.


You can do it gradually by allowing them to see each other, then supervised free ranging together, then eventually combining them, or you can pitch them all in and let them sort themselves out. Probably quicker this way, but can be nastier.


To be honest, I'd get three for your first little flock. That is a nice manageable number, and more of a family group.


Good luck.

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