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Another Question! Burford Brown?

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Hi There,


My OH has decided that he would like a Burford Brown chicken! Something about Jamie Oliver has one, so if it's good enough for Jamie Oliver it's good enough him :roll: !!!!!


However having spent an age, looking online and in google searches I am none the wiser where I might be able to get him one - does anyone have any idea?


Many Thanks



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You need to find out exactly what they are called by other suppliers and get him one from them. YOu can then just tell him theyre a burford brown.

Or just buy a brown hen of sorts and talk to the breeder on the phone first and get them to tell him its a bb even if its not :D

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I hope this helps......


Clarence Court sells Burford Browns Eggs - www.clarencecourt.co.uk Their website says.....


Mabel Pearman's Burford Browns


We are extremely proud of our 'Burford Browns'. These hens produce eggs that are renown for having a thicker, harder, dark brown shell; a denser texture, a larger than average deep yellow yolk, and a flavour that is hard to forget.


Their name originates from the Cotswold farmers Tom and Mabel Pearman who moved to Westhill during the early 1900's. Tom was a hard working farmer and breeder of quality horses, whilst Mabel earned pin money from butter and very special dark brown eggs from the hens which were her pride and joy.


Mabel kept her hens in the Rickyard at Manor Farm and in the mornings they would saunter across the lane inquisitively onto the grassy slopes overlooking Burford high street. The eggs were 'out of this world' with large deep yellow yolks, dense texture, and a flavour you could never forget. With their thick dark brown shells, they soon became known as Burford Browns.


The origin of Mabel's birds was always a closely guarded secret, but occasionally snippets of information would slip out to close family and friends. After years of hard work we have brought back these famous birds for you to share one of the real pleasures of days gone by.


Jaime says... The only place that I know that still breeds them is Legbars of Broadway. www.legbarsofbroadway.co.uk Dont sign up to their member scheme thinking you can buy chooks - because you cant - be warned!!


Hope all that helps

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I have a Mabel Pearman Burford Brown, predictably called Mabel. She is my lovely feminist chicken having feathered feet and legs. Her eggs are a lovely deep brown - not as dark as I had expected but still darker than usual.


I bought her from Clarence Court and Philip Lee Wolf is so nice and very knowledgeable.Go on...get one - You know you want one!!! :lol:

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Jaime says... The only place that I know that still breeds them is Legbars of Broadway. www.legbarsofbroadway.co.uk Dont sign up to their member scheme thinking you can buy chooks - because you cant - be warned!!



Unfortunately they no longer sell Burford Browns or Legbars at Legbars of Broadway - just Phesant Game now :roll:


They are quite near to me & I contacted them last week as I fancied a BB or 2, & I got a mail back saying they don't sell them.


Bit daft still calling themselves Legabrs of Broadway if they don't sell Legbars! :roll::lol:

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