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Lone Ranger

Are they eating ok ?

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Hi, I've just popped out to check on the girls and noticed there is a lot of pellets on the floor near the feeder. Is this normal - ie do they need some table manners - or could it be that they are 'rejecting' the pellets ? I have just given them a treat of mixed corn and they gulped it down in record time - so was concerned that they might not be eating the pellets ( some which had a small amount of garlic powder and chicken spice added). Has anyone else had a problem like this ? .

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My lot are very messy eaters and throw their pellets about. I have tried different feeders - Eglu peanuts, grubs, dog bowls and traditional type feed hoppers. I take away the feeders late afternoon and if they are hungry they have to eat the pellets off the floor, when they have cleared up their mess I put the feeders back.

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Thanks Alison - loks like I may have to take the feeder out as well. Trouble is that some days I won't be here during the day so will have to leave them in. Lets hope its just a 'phase' they're going through. I've really noticed how much more settled they are after less than a week, and they are starting to take a keen interest in other things going on in the garden. :D

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Ours are very messy eaters as well.For every one pellet eaten five are flicked around the run.I think at first I filled the grub up too much so I've taken to putting less in and they have to put their heads right in and the flicked ones stay inside!.Also I did mix some meal worms in a couple of times which was a really daft thing to do cos they just knocked out the pellets to get to the tastier treats;you learn as you go on. Good luck.

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I bought a bag of a different sort of pellets (the first bag was the Omlet ones). The new pellets are sligthly larger.


I've been mixing the old and new until the old is finished but the henchen seem to throw the old ones out and only eat the new. Mind you, if any get left on the floor they do usuaaly get hoovered up fairly soon.



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Mine also have very recentlty become very very messy. :anxious: The pellets this afternoon covered 2/3 of the run and a once full feeder was nearly empty.

I think i will also try and remove the feeder in the afternoon and see what happens. Thats if i remember. :think:

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I think I may have made the mistake of putting a few bits of corn in with their pellets - so they must be trying to get the pellets out of the way to get to any bits of corn :D Will make sure I keep to a separate treat bowl and see if they still make a mess next time I fill the grub. Thanks to all for your comments.

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