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I seem to be the only person who gets page cannot be displayed

I thinks its my end I cant open amazon at all

I'm no computer expert, but just a thought - in Internet Explorer, click Tools, Internet Options, Advanced, scroll down to Multimedia and see if "show pictures" is ticked.


Athough if it's actual web pages you're not getting rather than just pictures not displaying, that's no good :? . Hopefully, an expert will appear shortly!

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we had to go to a+e last night because he cut his head open on a pamment tile and will be scared for life.

:shock: what happened? Where and how big is the scar :shock: . Poor wee chap (and you :( ).


You do mean scarred rather than scared? :oops:



:oops::oops: sorry scarred

it was a big cut to the bone (is that too much info?) it was terrifying!!

he was rushing around and mucking about like a typical 3yr old and fell off the sofa onto the pamment tile we have under the plant pot to protect the floor(which is also pamment tiles). he was unlucky enough to hit the corner of the tile. there was alot of blood and they wanted to stitch him but they would have had to give him a general because he wouldnt keep still. they didnt want to do that because of the risks so they ended up sticking it with glue and sticky stitches. it was hard keeping him still and they couldnt get it together well enough not to leave a scar. he now has a huge bandage around his head like he has had brain surgery and i have had to try to keep him still today. we went to asda and bought a primeval DVD, which he loves and we tried to have a quiet afternoon snuggled up on our massive bean bags with my 2 year old as well.

he has been very brave although he did spend the night in our bed last night. he is a very active little boy who never stops so it was hard keeping him still today but he has been good and not removed the bandage. i am worried he will look like harry potter when it heals. i must say a+e were great we were seen almost immediately.

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Oh my word, how scary for you :shock: . I can sympathise to a degree as my dad's was to the skull too and he was pouring blood everywhere. Luckily they did stitch him up (15 stitches :shock: ) but I can imagine how difficult that would be with a small child :( .


Your Harry Potter comment made me smile - the ambulance men (who were just lovely :) ) kept calling my dad Harry Potter :lol: . The scar is very faint now (it was only about 3 weeks ago) so hopefully your wee chap will be the same (although scars can be 8) when you're a boy!).

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:shock: ouch! Head wounds do always bleed a lot, though.


I would love a tray of wooden eggs just now, I would pile the bloomin' lot into the nesting box of my green Eglu, and then shout 'Ha! That'll teach you to eat your own eggs!' :twisted:


Do I sound bitter? That's cos I AM! :wink:

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Prob the same people who buy clothes pegs for decoration :lol::lol::wink:


A friend bought me a set of six little green clothes pegs with metal chickens on the top attached with a spring, for Christmas. They are really pretty......... but I haven't a clue what to do with them :?:?


The wooden eggs are nice but again, I wouldn't know where to put them. I suppose they could look nice under a glass coffee table or similar. I have a wooden egg I made years ago when I thought I could try my hand at wood carving.....I stopped at one egg though :lol:

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Oh my word, how scary for you :shock: . I can sympathise to a degree as my dad's was to the skull too and he was pouring blood everywhere. Luckily they did stitch him up (15 stitches :shock: ) but I can imagine how difficult that would be with a small child :( .


Your Harry Potter comment made me smile - the ambulance men (who were just lovely :) ) kept calling my dad Harry Potter :lol: . The scar is very faint now (it was only about 3 weeks ago) so hopefully your wee chap will be the same (although scars can be 8) when you're a boy!).


i hope it will fade, although i do keep looking at my scars from when i was mauled by a dog at 16 (many years ago!!) and although they are faded a bit they are still really visable.

i am sure i will be taking quite a few more trips to a+e in the next few years with my two, hopefully not for anything really serious.

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