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Eggless in Edinburgh

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Well then, I haven't seen a sniff of an egg since early December. This time last year, they had a couple of weeks off, then started laying again the first week in January. Now I essentially have two plump feathery pets to feed. They are as funny and charming as ever but I must say, it becomes harder to justify the massive expense of their luxury grub and my devastated garden without the odd egg or two.


Does anyone have any foolproof method of coaxing eggs back into production, or shall I "show them the pot" as I believe is the next step in these trying circumstances?




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Probably just the time of year, but


1. Have you wormed them recently. Parasites can stop them laying.


2. Are they having too many treats? I would confine them to their run and ensure that they have nothing but layers pellets, at least until early afternoon for a few days.


3. Why not give them a bit of a tonic, such as Poultry Spice? It might give them a bit of a nudge.


I'm sure that as they days get longer they will come back into lay. :lol:

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Hi Egluntine,


Yes, I wormed them just after Christmas but maybe I should give them another dose.


They are allowed to free range all weekend in the garden so can forage for all kinds of things, but otherwise they have to stay in their run whilst I'm away at work and then they only get organic pellets (and a very few birdseeds to tempt them back into their run at weekends).


They have got so tame that it's really hard to tell if they're crouching or not, which doesn't help. I'll give it another week then order some Poultry Spice - sounds delicious!




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Hello Aint"Ooops, word censored!"ody - I am in the west end, just off Palmerston Place. I think I've got the only Eglu in the crescent! Whereabouts are you?


Thanks for all the helpful replies everyone. I'll set store by the "third week of February" - that's quite soon!



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I went to Edinburgh last week for work (visit to CLO down towards Leith). It was only the second time back since I qualified in 1977!


We went out in the evening to eat and ended up in the restaurant at the top of the new museum building in Chambers Street. When I was in Edinburgh it was rough ground with fencing round it!


I wouldn't have chosen to eat there - far too expensive and fancy for me - but my boss insisted (but I still had to pay my share). I did give them a tour of my old haunts, and a beer in Greyfriars Bobby.


We're opening a Scottish office, in Rose Street of all places. Student memories ..


Well actually not student memories - when I went down Rose Street I never remembered much the next day, let alone thirty years later.

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Richard, that brings back memories (or non-memories) of appalling pub crawls in my student days - Rose Street was bad but Leith Walk was quite impossible, even on half pints!


I agree with you about the Tower - I don't actually rate the food that much - it's owned by the same group who have the Witchery (lovely atmosphere, dull, talentless, expensive food). I would recommend Martin Wishart or Tom Kitchin for a treat, or First Coast for lovely neighbourhood bistro food and Ignite for curry.


I remember being taken to the Tower (as it were) - I had risotto. Something the size of Ben Nevis arrived and I ate it glumly for about 45 minutes without making any impression on it whatever!

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I remember being taken to the Tower (as it were) - I had risotto. Something the size of Ben Nevis arrived and I ate it glumly for about 45 minutes without making any impression on it whatever!




I had risotto and it was just the same. Perhaps I got what you left?

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