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are buzzards a threat to chickens? i live next to a woodland and have seen as many as 8 or 10 buzzards flying around over the woods and am just a little paranoid, i have never heard of a buzzard taking a chicken, but i thought id ask and see if anyone here has ever had any problems from buzzards.


If it truly is a buzzard / vulture we have these they eat carion only will not kill or eat living things they are attracted to decaying meat. Do you have a bird id book that you could look them up in to get a positive Id and then see what they eat.

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I think there is a lady called Anne on here who had a chook taken/attacked by a buzzard around October last year....


We have many buzzards that circle the sky above our house, but I think they would have to be pretty desperately hungry to go for a chook rather than the smaller prey in the fields...certainly not had one hovering overhead yet :D



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I lost 2 bantams last year and am pretty sure that they were taken by sparrowhawks or similar. We have lots of birds of prey around, and our neighbours have seen sparrowhawks take their doves. My bantams were only babies at the time and smaller than a dove, and there wasn't the usual evidence of a fox attack. All that was left was a couple of feathers from each bird, and the rest of my hens were absolutely untouched and unbothered. I now keep my girls in a covered walk-in weldmesh run so that they are ( fingers crossed ) safe from all enemies!

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I was also worried about buzzards as they fly low over the house, likewise red kites.


Omlet reassured me by saying they had never come across the problem. I've had my girls, who free range when I'm around, since April and so far so good. I'm more concerned about the 4 foxes that apparently cross the bottom of our paddock at 7am every morning (only found out 2 days ago).


Hope your girls can live in harmony with the local wildlife



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